Next week we take a look at The Giant Panda Zoo Awards ceremony and all your favorite pandas will be there! Will Pinky attempt to wrestle the gold medal for Panda Personality of the Year away from her cousin, Princess Dumpling? Does Babette de Panda have something up her haute couture sleeve to disrupt the ceremony? What skullduggery will Inspector Panda and his very clever assistant Mr. Wu uncover? Did Mei Xiang hide Pinky’s magical wand so she can’t…um…make adjustments to the awards?
Stay tuned till Sunday, when all will be revealed. We thought we would share some of Pinky’s triumphs and moments of glory to get you in the mood.

Uh oh! This year they only got BRONZE in bestie habitat!

“Do you know who I am????” Yeah, we do.

Beware, the power of the paw!

Princess Pinky is drawing a line in the sandbox.

Pinky answers difficult questions from the press in her own way.
Have a Fabulous Furry Friday! And don’t forget, your purchase of all of the Panda Chronicle Books (and Pandamorphosis) helps to keep the panda satire coming your way. Not to mention that you can have panda fun at home seven days a week. Huzzah!
And, if you love the artwork of Pandamorphosis, prints of all the major images from the book are available from my page at The Gratitude Gallery website. Check ’em out! You might also enjoy visiting some of our friends, pandas and not, from our Pandas Love Links page. Tell em we said “Hi!”
I especially like the part where Pinky POOFS Fox(y) news into oblivion. would that we could do that for real!
Snort. 🙂
Aww, Pinky, you don’t need a wand to make people fall in love with you!!
PP: mebbee not, but nobuddy can ignore me when I has it, you know? Be beary ‘fraid ebbryone.
I’m not scared, I’m already in Pinky’s power!
Aren’t we all? She was only supposed to be in two cartoons so far this month, and look how many she has starred in.
All of these stories were just fantastic! You sure know how to make a Friday perfect.
Why thank you, Darlene. I love revisiting the older stories and I confess that they make me laugh all over again. I love encore Friday!
The many faces of Princess Pinky – I can’t get enough of them 🙂
She’ll be back tomorrow, along with the first appearance of princess Dumpling, a very…um…fluffy girl, for the awarding of the Panda Personality of the Year award.