We are starting a NEW Story this week! Huzzah! It is another of my fractured retellings of a very old and familiar story, with my own little pandy twist to it! Bwahahahahaha!
But first, I must report about PandAlanta fest, which took place last weekend at the Atlanta Zoo! A fabulous time was had by all, including the stars of the weekend, Six and Sebben, those delightful little pandas residing at the zoo with their parents. In addition to the warm up act (me!!!) we had a fabulous presentation from the folks at PDX Wildlife, who study – of all things – PANDAS!!!! What? You were expecting naked mole rats? Any way, they shared lots of pictures and told us about their research. Expect to see more about them here as not only are they doing important work for panda conservation, they were really nice people too!
But now! The Panda Chronicles presents, the latest in our long line of literary abominations, KittySue and the Three Pandas!!!!

This story seems a little, but not entirely, familiar!
Book 7: Don’t Call Mee Boo Boo, has been getting a resounding welcome out there in the pandasphere and to thank you, we are offering a sale on all the earlier books in the Panda Chronicle Series, in case your library is not all stocked up on the earlier titles! You can find links to all the books here.
But don’t delay! These prices will go back up to list price on Saturday, April 1st, so don’t delay! No Foolin’!!!
And in case you were wondering what I was up to last weekend at panda fest….

Six and Sebben, as photographed by me!
Panda on!
Bob T Panda
Wonderful, wonderful picture
Thank you and there are…um…hundreds more where those came from. Stay tuned.
Gorgeous photo of the Twinkies 🙂
Can’t wait for this new tale to unfold!
Tee hee! Looks like those little cuties, Six & Sebben, were decorating for your visit. Great picture!
They were decorating! They got very excited and then they had to take a nap!
Tee hee! Pandas & Cats = Dedicated Nap Takers! {yawn, just the thought makes me sleepy, nap time zzzzzzz}
Hee hee! Nothing like a good nap, I always say! Mehitabel used to like to help me take naps by sleeping on top of me.