The 2018 Olympics May Be Over, But the Spirit of Competition Lives On!

Okay. Don’t laugh. But I really have mastered the art of cookie balancing. Using Archway’s Windmill Almond cookies, my current record is 23 seconds to nibble a straight edge at the bottom of the cookie, and balance it on edge so that it stands for 10 seconds or more. Go ahead. You try it if you think it’s so easy. I’ll wait.

Coming soon to an Olympic competition near you!

And now…going for the gold!!!

In other feats of athletic competition, I was working outside yesterday, trimming an out of control Lonicera Baggerson’s Gold (kind of looks like a boxwood, for you non-gardeners) and I had a little six inch piece of branch. Rather than walk over to the trash can where I was putting cuttings to dump in one of my many compost piles, I threw it (left handed!!!- I am right handed) from about 15 feet and sunk the shot perfectly. Am I ready for an award winning sporting career or what?!?! First, cookie balancing and now this!!!! Huzzah!

Viva Les Pandas!
Bob T Panda

13 thoughts on “The 2018 Olympics May Be Over, But the Spirit of Competition Lives On!

  1. Judy Delach

    Cookie balancing?? I can see it now…all the many readers grabbing cookies and trying to achieve the goal of the standing cookie. The challenge has been issued!!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      I really hope others will embrace the cookie balance challenge! Maybe people will send pictures and videos!

  2. Lora Schweikert

    Hmmm…not only do you write/draw Panda stories, you also are a Master Cookie Balancer and an ace at tossing branches into a trash can at the incredible distance of……15 feet while doing this masterful feat using your less dominate hand/arm! Who knew. Ummm, I can touch my nose with my tongue

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Well, I can’t touch my nose with my tongue or wiggle my ears, I sometimes eat soup and don’t spill it on myself. Only sometimes, though.

  3. Aimee Prefers Plants (@Aimee_Abq)

    LOL I had completely forgotten about Archway’s Windmill Almond cookies! They were one of my favorites and I haven’t seen them for years. My Dad used to buy them on his way home from his out of town job every 2 weeks. Though I never tried to balance them I just ate them one corner at a time. As soon as the Olympic Committee approves the six-inch-lefthanded-branch-toss I will be rooting for you to wind the gold. πŸ˜‰

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Who would have thought I would also become a medal winning athlete? Certainly non of my gym teachers! If I may boast a tiny bit more, I have also successfully balanced those very skinny Anna’s Swedish cookies. While they don’t have the center of gravity challenge that the windmill cookies have, they are VERY thin.
      Do you suppose the Olympic committee might hire me as a commentatoer for this event?


    I wish I had bought cookies yesterday, I could have amused myself with this during our snowstorm. Maybe I can use other food groups and household items, like full wine glasses.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Well, that’s a little different style of challenge, but what the heck! How about sliced bread? That could pose a worthy challenge. But yeah, cookie balancing could pass the time during a power outage. Word to the wise: ALWAYS buy cookies!

  5. Kate

    Is this a real thing? I googled β€œcookie balancing” and got lots of boring articles about TCP load balancing and some hits about a brand of cookies called Balance.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Oddly enough, I don’t think that “Cookie Balancing” has made the national news yet. Go Figure, right???!!!??? I’m sure it is only a matter of time, especially if I put the words “Cookie Balancing” in every post title for the next year.
      You’re welcome!


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