What could possibly go wrong between now and January 20th?
How many times do I have to tell you (me) not to ask that question?!?!?!
And now here, with some answers, is the next episode of Beary Poppins!!!

Let’s go fly a kite…
Have you been a good panda?
Bob T I’ve been a very good Panda
Tune in tomorrow for the final episodes of Pinky in Wonderland, and Thursday for the next episode of Beary Poppins! Happy solstice! The days now will commence getting longer (or shorter, depending which side of the globe you’re on!)
Is Bikkie going to become part of the kite?!?! My ears and whiskers! Beary Poppins, hang on to Bikkie! Keep Bikkie safe!
Hee hee! Hang onto your hat!
Bikkie! Bikkie! Bikkie! You let go of that kite now! Wait until you get home! Your Mommee will ground you for life, kite or no kite! And Beary Poppins!? What are you thinking?!! You make sure liddle Bikkie stays safe!!! I am beside myself!!
Nooooooooooooo! Do NOT allow little Bikkie to hold the kite! No no no no no!
I know better than to get too worried, after all, this is a cartoon and I know the person in charge would never do anything to harm a liddle panda…
If I ever feel lonely, all I need to do is put a small panda in (possible) peril, and before I know it, everyone is writing to me! Fear not! It may get exciting, but you know I would never harm a panda!
Note: you are right that letting Bikkie hold the kite is a Bad Idea.
Do not let Biscuit boi hold that kit string! Do you hear me?