Yes it is Day 25 of 31 Days of Pandas, otherwise known as Crispmoss among the panda set. I would like to point out that it is 46 degrees inside my house, as the electric power has not yet returned. Because of my extreme dedication, I am at the library, preparing this and the next few days of 31 Days of Pandas posts so not a single post is late.
Am I wonderful, or what????
For those who said “Or what,” I am going to tell Pinky you said that and she will do something to you I’m sure. Maybe give you a medal, maybe poof you, I don’t know. Just for that, I am going to torture you with extending Pinky in Wonderland for one more day and instead, bring you this encore presentation of everyone’s favorite holiday classic…

Have yourself a pandy little Christmas….
It’s a Wonderful Life, starring non other than The Wu Self! Enjoy!

Thank goodness Bee the Bear still has her magical wand from the last adventure.

Wu is a good bear at heart….

Bee the bear tells it like it is

What part of “you don’t exist” didn’t you get? Ha ha! I love that line!

You won’t like this, Mr Wu!

Those darn cats!

Repeat after me, “It’s a story” ‘kay?

Everytime a bell rings, a panda gets a cuppycake.

Yay! The heartwarming schmoopy ending!
Pandaing through the snow…
BobT Panda
Wishing you a joyous Christmas! And thanking you for the ‘toons you provide to keep us sane during these tumultuous political times! Hoping your electric gets fixed really soon.
I have the electricity again! Huzzah! I have to say, it has been many years since my electricity has been out for more than a few hours. We drove around the island and there were many large trees down on wires. The energy company did a huge job getting most of everyone back on line before Christmas eve. also, it forced me to get rid of all the mystery food in the freezer. Now I have room for more!
Merry Christmas. I hope that I can keep bringing you the best in panda satire as we resist #Individual1’s reign of terror. Thanks for being a part of the Panda Chronicle Family.
I love this story of the Wu Self. He is a cutie! And thank goodness we still have him!
He is a sweet bear. I love how he worried that he would not get into the Panda Kindergarten because he could not turn over! Your ‘toons make me believe that the ‘toons are alive!
Glad you have electricity! I hate it when the power goes off. You are a real trooper to get this out to us. I hope you are wrapped up and drinking hot tea or hot cocoa and eating Christmas cookies!
Thank you for sweet Wu and his wonderful life.
After the magic of the holidays comes reality with the Village Idiot.
Gird up for the fight for truth and justice and the true American Way, and buckle up, too!
Sometimes I even amaze myself.
I’m so glad you are here, enjoying the ‘toons, and that so many people tell me that they help them make it through these trying times. I’m glad I have some inspiration to help me make it through the weeks of assault from the halls of power: Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me, on NPR; Podcasts: Pod Save America; Mueller She Wrote; The Weekly List; The Dworkin Report; and more.
I don’t know how we are going to come out the other end of this, but I sure hope we will!
Buckle up!
“Yay! The heartwarming schmoopy ending!” I’m glad your electricity was back on before Christmas. Now….if we could only get another “heartwarming schmoopy ending” to the horrid mess in DC???
Oh….if only we could have that heartwarming, schmoopy ending…Donnie and his evil spawn led off in chains, Too Much McConnell suddenly having a Scrooge worthy conversion on the floor of the senate, asylum seekers at the borders welcomed into their new country. If only it was in my power…