Well, we are really getting down to the nitty gritty, aren’t we? Inspector Panda is in the home stretch of his first full length adventure and the cuppycakes are flying! Mr. Wu has found what is lost (though he still won’t tell us what’s the big deal about his little piece of tape.)
And now, on with the show, as 31 Days of Pandas presents the next episode of:
The Case of the Picturesque Panda!

Oh those Meihems!!!!!!
You knew all the little pandas were going to get in a cuppycake brawl, didn’t you? Uh oh, Is pinky going for her magical wand? Stay tuned for tomorrows exciting episode of The case of the Picturesque Panda!
And now, a reminder from our sponsor…um…which is me, Bob T. Panda, reminding you that The Panda Chronicles books and Pandamorphosis make lovely holiday presents, so buy bunches of them and give them to everyone you know. And each of my books that you buy this months will help actual pandas, as I will be making a donation for each of my books sold during the month of December to Pandas International, which helps real pandas!
Don’t touch that dial! we’ll be back with more tomorrow!
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda
Dear Bob T. although I can imagine the sense and interest of Mr Wu by the tape, I just do not understand why Pinky wants to have it. Just to annoy him?
Loving the cuppycake trampled on the ground ;-))
An essential part of Pinky’s raison d’être, is that Pinky is the center of the universe, therefore, Pinky must know everything about, well, everything. And therefore, if something will annoy one of the other pandas, or if she thinks it will give her power over another panda, well, then, Pinky must have it! Whether it is knowledge or a seemingly insignificant piece of tape, if Wu wants it, then Pinky does too. Surely you knew someone like that as a child (or as an adult, perhaps).
Will Wu ever reveal why the tape is so important? The answer is yes, but not yet, and certainly not to Pinky. Wu has his own issues about her.
Dear Bob T.: thanks for your quick answer about Pinky, clarifying me. She could not be otherwise. J’aime bien lil’ Pinky, j’adore :-))
You’re welcome. Always happy for the chance to tell a bit more of Pinky’s “back story.” J’adore pinky too.
What’s better that Pinky with her wand? Pinky with Mr. Wu’s tape!
But not for long! Mr. Wu gets his tape back at last, now where is that wand?
Huzzah! A Cuppycake straight to the face – saves having to chew them I suppose!
Yes, think of it as a time/energy saving device.