On the 5th Day of Crisp-Moss, my panda cam did see…

FIIIIIVE cuppycakes!

On the fifth day of Crisp-moss, my panda cam did see:
F-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VVVVVE Cuppy-Cakes!
four pandas sneaking,
three triplets napping,
two Meihems plotting
a Pinky in a Hemlock Tree!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda
I’ve been busy and had to catch up – wouldn’t you know I would do so on the 5 CUPPYCAKES day! I’m finding myself singing along – can’t wait to see what 6 is going to be!
Yay! So fun to have a sing along. Hee hee! I take no responsibility if cody howls while you’re singing. Maybe Kelly will sing along with you.
Kelly’s too busy eating cuppycakes, and Cody is too busy watching to see if that fat guy in the red suit is going to come back with some more toys she can destroy.
“More toys! More toys!” Cuppycakes! Huzzah! I think this song sounds good when sung while eating cuppycakes.
Five cuppycakes and four pandas? How will they divide the fifth one between them? That might be good for a whole cartoon series in itself. ha
There is actually another panda hiding in the background. You can see his nose between the cuppycakes in the back. He better be fast, or he will lose his chance at a cuppycake.
Yes I see that hiding panda. That’s the one to keep an eye on.
Never trust the hiding panda.
Not only am I singing along but I am trying to work out what flavours are the cuppycakes.
Are they all one flavour or are there FIVE different ones?
Either way YUM 🙂
I think they are all the same flavor, or the pandas would fight. Maybe they are red panda, red velvet.
Very tasty and very appropriate for Crisp-Moss 🙂
aren’t they, though?