On the 6th Day of Crisp-Moss, my panda cam did see…

HOW many more days are there?

On the sixth day of Crisp-Moss, my panda cam did see:
Six pandas driving,
F-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-IVE Cuppy-Cakes!
Four pandas sneaking,
three triplets napping,
two Meihems plotting
A Pinky in a Hemlock tree.
Is everybody singing? Has your spouse/significant other/roommate/threatened you yet, if you don’t stop singing that silly song?
Just checking.
Be the (singing) Bear,
Bob T. Panda
PS: just a reminder that there are only 3 more days to have your Panda Chronicles Books purchases (and Pandamorphosis) result in a donation for Pandas International! We love all the work that PI does for pandas! Remember, without real pandas, panda satire wouldn’t be funny!
Hold onto your fezzes! And tiara 🙂
Yes indeedy! (God, I hate when auto-correct wants to make me use standard English! It doesn’t think “indeedy” or “cuppycake” are words!)
I know! You’d think by now it would have learned that cuppycake is a word – and a brilliant one at that!!
Yes,I have often thought that myself, on both counts.
The car looks terrified
It does, doesn’t it. Well, wouldn’t you be scared of you were being driven by the pandy kindy? I know I would. (And yes, it was intentional. :))