Well, MAYBE we are…

Sorry for the delay in posting. For the last mebbee…I don’t know, 5 years, I’ve done really well posting to a schedule. For some reason I am lately a day late and a dollar short. Yesterday there was a terrible fire in my neighborhood, about 3/4 of a mile from my house. Maybe less. It was really traumatic, because, as you might know, I lost a house to fire about 26 years ago. It is so dry here, and without the fast action of our local fire department (which has been stressed because of the dry weather) it could have been a lot worse for our whole community. All humans and animals are okay. The house not so much.
So, I might be using someone else’s disaster to excuse my tardiness, but then again, I did have to take a walk to see if the woods were on fire. (they weren’t.
So, anyway, Mei is having her own disaster. enjoy!
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda
No apologies necessary!!
Glad everyone is okay, and I hope you gave yourself a cuppycake with extra frosting for comforting purposes.
I was thinking a nice batch of peanut butter frosting might be called for! Maybe wif cuppycakes, maybe not! It is interesting that my stats are showing more views when I post later in the day. Maybe that will be a new thing. I guess we’ll see. For now, I am going to still try to stick to the same posting days, but not pressure myself to get them set up by the night before. As the great Douglas Adams once said, “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as the speed by!”
I love Mei trying to juggle room allocations for a house full of cubbies!
That fire sounds terrifying. Glad no people or animals were harmed.
Mei definitely has her paws full. And soon Bebe Maurice arrives!
I’m trying not to think how lucky our community was that there was no wind, and the fire department arrived so quickly. It was terrifying and could have been so much worse.