And it’s a damn good thing.
This has been a hard week. When 20 children were murdered in Sandy Hook, I thought surely, now would be the turning point when something was done to get guns off the street and out of the hands of violent people. Are those people suffering from mental illness? No doubt. Killing large numbers of innocent people is not a normal response to an unhappy life.
But the truth is that mentally ill people are more likely to die from violence than to perpetrate it. There are studies.
Write to any of your representatives you can to let them know your views on this. Take to the streets in protest. Donate what you can to groups that are trying to move the needle on instituting more controls on guns and getting guns (especially assault style rifles) out of the equation. Oh yeah…and VOTE. Vote for people who are not happy with the status quo. You know who I mean.
What we do need more of is baby pandas.
I am here to answer that need…

More babee pandas to come!
Panda on!
Bob T Panda