Here Here, the gang’s all Hearing!

It’s time for the hearings from the January 6th Committee, and I am HERE for it. Of course, ZooNooZ is covering it as only they can! I hope enough people who haven’t been following this as obsessively as some of us will watch and be persuaded that maybe, just maybe, there are some people who might not be telling the whole truth. Mitten’s Big Lie is a whopper!

And here, with the coverage that all pandas will want to watch…

Who could resist answering question from a baby panda in a dinosaur costume? Are Republicans heartless??? (you don’t need to answer that!)

I know where I’ll be Thursday evening. Where will you be?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

6 thoughts on “Here Here, the gang’s all Hearing!

  1. Jo Ann

    I will be right in front of my TV with popcorn and lots of hope and enthusiasm mixed with anger and frustration…sounds like fun doesn’t it?! I’ll have my panda felties near by for support, that’s a given❤️🐼

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      I will gather all my panda felties around me. Also some adult beverages. I think it is the hope of justice that makes the possibility of failure so terrifying. Pass the popcorn.

  2. kodechrome

    I’m pulling out my Pinky, Bert & Ernie “tough pandas” cartoon for strength to make it through!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      There is no one tougher than those three. Pinky will get you through! #PowerOfThePoof #ClapLouder

  3. DebCPanda

    I could not do it without ZooNooz! And every panda I own will be right here to prop me up if I tipple over from the stress. May Justice prevail!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      The more details that come out about what Mittens did to try to steal the election and create a dictatorship, the more my anxiety ratchets up. Lets hope that enough people really “get” the message and the facts that are about to be presented. Gather your pandas (that is an excellent idea!) and get ready. Panda on, friend.


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