Is There Anything Going On This Week?

It’s a big week! And by that we mean, this week is the 50th Anniversary of Gerald Ford’s pardoning of Nixon. Was there ever a worse decision made by a president? Well, yes. Mittens says “hold my beer”

Is there anything else going on?

Ha ha! Just kidding! I’ll be watching, will you?

I do have some trepidation about watching the debate. I mean, we know Mittens is going to behave badly. Just how badly is the question. The other question is how much benefit of the doubt and “sanewashing” is the media going to perform, all the while holding VP Harris to an impossibly high standard.

Pandarella will be back on Thursday! Nixon’s Ghost refused to wait!

Be the Bear
Bob T pass the popcorn Panda

4 thoughts on “Is There Anything Going On This Week?

  1. Jeannie Meyer

    My cats are in need and of protective custody with 24 hour guards so they won’t be eaten. May I borrow the Panda Kindergarten?


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