Somehow, despite scheduling yesterday’s post in advance, the internet gremlins (Six and Sebben? Mebbee!) somehow got a hold of my site and made it go off into cyber land.
Oh sure, you say. We think you didn’t have the post ready and this is just another version of the dog ate my homework.
Think what you wish: Here is what you should have received yesterday. There WILL be a new post for tomorrow, too!

Sorry to worry you all. We need Bikkie and Pookie now more than ever!
Be the Bear
Bob T I know nothing about how all this works Panda
A huge thanks to my website host/guru Nate Hoffelder. Need a website? hosting? Can recommend with a 5 cuppycake rating.
Glad you’re alright! Sadly, even if Elon and the “real” Mittens stumbled across this site, I don’t think they would understand this type of humor. Or any type of humor.
And should “Elmer” appear on the Nooz, I picture him as a malfunctioning robot.
Elmer the malfunctioning robot…Hmmmm…it could happen.