We’re Back, Baby!

Yep. The Panda cam is BACK!

And not a moment too soon. The first week of felon in Chief’s 2nd Reign of Terrorism was pretty rough and I wish I had more hope that the forces of compassion and fairness will prevail.

But we will do what we can, when we can. It’s okay to take a break (and watch the panda cam!) when you need to. Even small things have impact. I have my US Senator’s and House rep bookmarked, so I can easily send an email. Some people like to make phone calls. There are scripts out there to make it easier, but I kind have developed phone phobia, so emails are my drug of choice. My favorite source for actions is Chop Wood, Carry Water on Substack. Even one email a week will add up.

Okay, Enough serious stuff. Let’s check in on the new Panda Cam!

I guess the new panda cam hours of operation are going to take some getting used to.

Be the Bear
Bob T is it “panda cam” or “Pandacam” Panda

Because we ALL need a Department of Joy

6 thoughts on “We’re Back, Baby!

  1. Jeannie

    Since the San Diego zoo has grizzlies Frank and Mikey can just explain that the wires got crossed and peol logged inti the grizzly cam by mistake


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