Accomplishments of the Week: Panda House Edition

As government employees, Binky Li and Qing Bao are not exempt from the requirement to send an email to e-loon, listing 5 things they have accomplished this week. I think you’ll agree that they are accomplishing much more important things than anyone from The Department of Grift and Extortion.

It remains to be seen whether what can be broken so quickly will be able to be repaired in my lifetime.

Always choose the bears.

Thank goodness Ping is there to guide our young pandas through the challenges of life in DC.

Be the Bear and Panda on
Bob T hanging in there for the moment Panda

4 thoughts on “Accomplishments of the Week: Panda House Edition

  1. June H.

    I love QB’s bow and her email address! And I love Binky Li’s and QB’s “5 things I did last week” list! They are busy, busy, busy!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Binky Li: wee are weary busy, especially wif my ears!
      QB: an I still fink it is none of dere bizniss. but if dey want to watch mee poo, I guess dat is okay.

  2. Jeannie

    I really hope Elmo isn’t messing with our distinguished International Panda Diplomats. Watching them our pandas poop is a huge honor. I’m hoping his 19 year old emissaries will be so enthralled with panda adorableness that they lose track of their nefarious missions.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      You are giving the flying monkeys too much credit for any humanity. But yes, watching pandas poop is a privilege.


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