What do you mean conflict of interest? Who started the ZooNooZ show anyway? I think Pinky is behind this! I demand to see my lawyer! And can’t someone get Pinky’s headlines off my post?

Bob gets fired….what is this world coming to?
Hmmm….someone may have used that line before….

Pinky says: Don’t forget to get Pinky swag at Pandyland! Your purchase helps to support my campaign!
I am going to have to do something!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
….in shock….Bob T……oh my….can’t get my head around this indignity…..Pinkygate….
I know! I Know! Dis. Is. A . Travesty! Oh…wait…this is my fault. Oh well, the course of politics has never run smoothly and um…everything will turn out alright eventuallly, but first…um…it will get worse before it gets better.
Oh poor Bob. What will that Pinky do next!?!
Poor Bob indeed! Pinky is not done being…um Pinky. Something is going to have to be done about this! Attention must be paid!
Oooooh, that Pinky! She’s gonna get her bearself into trouble. Sheesh, Poor Bob T.
It is only going to get worse. Poor mommee Mei, all hormonal with her possible pregnancy. It is going to get more Pinky around here before it gets less Pinky.
Isn’t Bob T. Panda the original Panda on whatever this conglomerate falls under? Therefore, he would be the CEO. Does he know he is in charge? Can I please tell him! Raleigh and Triss are raising their paws for the honor. As CEO, clearly he sets the rules, at least in and on Pandyland land and property. Isn’t Pandyland a bit like the reservation, as in the regular American government’s rules don’t apply here? Please don’t think I am being disrespectful, I am an enrolled member of an Indigenous People. So if Bob T. Panda wants to talk on Mehtabel Tonight while in Pandyland, The Princess Pinky will have to find another way to stop him. Not that this will slow her, or the Minions3 down much. ****I want to scoop that Pandyshark girl Minion up and kiss her tiny tummy. #JustAnFYIToProtectThatTummy
Well, now that you mention it, Bob IS the original named panda on The Panda Chronicles, and it would seem that he would have some sort of squatter’s rights, if nothing else (not that that worked all that well for the indigenous people of the North American Continent, but let’s not get into that here.) But then you have to take into account the sheer power and irrepressibleness of Princess Pinky. Boy, you just don’t want to say “no!” to her, if you want to know.
Bob is a bit of a shy, retiring flower (who knew?) and is hesitant to claim his rights vis-a-vis being CEO of the Panda Chronicles.
There is some possibility that Mehitabel is egging Pinky on, because, well, she’s a cat, and you know how they are. This election battle is far from over, and soon (well, kinda soon) some things will transpire to slow Pinky down, if not squash her ambitions all together. It is a long election season, and I think she needs to pace herself, so as not to burn out. There will be no end of things to satirize in the next 16 months. Hopefully we won’t all have to move to Canada. (As if they would even want us.)
At least Canada also has pandas!
Yeah. We should have gotten pandas in Seattle by now. Dis. Is. A. Travesty!
I can’t believe they fired Bob T! But I do love seeing Mr Wu at the desk. And that Minion – “move it” – such sass!!
Now I will have to find a new job and maybe hire a political consulting firm. Pinky is dropping hints about a campaign video, but I happen to know she doesn’t have any video equipment. Where is she going to get it from?
It is hard to be mad at Mr Wu, but I…um…am.