Oh Where Has My Little Bun Gone?

Oh where, of where has my little bun gone, oh where, oh where can he be? The disappearance of Mr. Bun is such big news that it is the lead story on today’s episode of ZooNooZ! This has all the hallmarks of an international incident of crisis proportions! Will the Toronto Twinkies send Mr. Bun Home? Maybe, but not just yet, I don’t think.

Is that a ransom note I see?

Is that a ransom note I see?

And the demand is that Pinky be nice to Bubba????? Hmmm…this seems kind of suspicious if you ask me. I’m afraid there could be political concussions ahead!

And on a completely unrelated note, This video may replace pandas on a slide as my new favorite panda video! Just part of the Putting Pandas to work program! Nothing here to see…let’s move along, please.

Wednesday’s ‘toon will have more from the missing Mr. Bun controversy and then Mittens the Cat makes his reappearance next week. Be very afraid. This cat is not qualified to hold office!

Be the Bear

Bob T Panda

24 thoughts on “Oh Where Has My Little Bun Gone?

  1. Paul

    Oh my those pandas in the video are so playful – I always pictured them as sedentary. And they are smart. Too funny.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      This is my new favorite video and while all pandas enjoy their naps, there is nothing like a cubby with playing on his mind. Also see: pandas on a slide, a classic!

  2. Ann

    Took me a minute to read the Toronto Terrors printing..poor Mr. Bun! But maybe he would prefer to remain in Toronto? Hmmmm.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Maybe Mr. Bun can help them improve their paw writing. He is very smart. I believe he is enjoying his stay in Toronto.

  3. Jayelle (@GreenEyedLilo)

    “That will be a first.” Ha! I don’t know if Pinky wants to see Mr. Bun *that* badly.

    I love that video so, so, so much. Pandas are the enemy of human productivity in the flesh as well as on cams!

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      It makes me want to do yard work…well, if I had some pandas to help, it would.

      I know Pinky wants Mr. bun back. It is a mystery just how much she wants that, and what she will do to get him back. But next week she has bigger fish to fry. Still one more Mr. bun episode this week. He is enjoying having his own Twitter account, though.

    2. Gina Koo

      You are so right in that “pandas are the enemy of human productivity”. I definitely don’t leave the couch as long as a panda is being shown on a cam.

      1. Panda in Chief Post author

        Ha ha ha! I think I need to go lie down and watch more panda videos. I am trying to create some order in the chaos that is my studio. Light a candle for me!

  4. Vicky V

    Love the video 🙂 I know someone who really wants that PINK broom – it would be good for administering “litical concussions.”
    Those clever Toronto Twinkies have thought of a brilliant plan to try and keep Bubba safe. I’m sure Mr Bun isn’t minding his “visit” to Canada.

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Pinky would love to have the pink broom, as long as she wasn’t expected to use it for its given purpose. But yeah, delivering ‘litical concussions is right up her alley.
      BTW, Mr. Bun now has his own twitter account and last time I checked, he already had over 50 followers!

          1. Vicky V

            What was I thinking! I’ll hit myself over the head with a pink broom a few times to save Pinky the trouble.
            I also have cuppycakes 🙂

          2. Panda in Chief Post author

            Excellent plan! Just remember not to hit yourself too hard. Distract her with cuppycakes!

  5. Gina Koo

    Any video that features Nanny Mei and her cubbies is a great video! She truly loves those furballs and has the patience of a saint.
    I love the ransom note!! Should I be worried that I was able to read it with ease? And is that a Mr. Bun mug shot attached to the note?
    I’m sure that Pinky will have a lot to say after she get over the shock. Watch out, Bubba and Twinkies! (just saying)

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      We all want to be Nanny Mei! I love the little squeaks from the toddler pandas as they “help” her with yard clean up. I need pandas to help with my yard work too.
      Yes, you should most likely be concerned that you could read the note. It shows an unhealthy identification with pandas. And yes, that was a Mr. Bun mug shot, he is holding up a local current paper, so Pinky sees that Mr. Bun is still alive and well. You are correct to be concerned for Bubba and the Twins. Pinky has a long memory.

  6. chasbelov

    ROFLMA. Those pandas want that basket so badly, you’d think they were cats. Well, they are cat bears (大熊貓) after all.

    Um, just when did the Washington DC zoo get renamed to the Pinksonian? Is that one of Pinky’s hacking episodes?

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      They are definitely determined little pandas! I believe they were star pulpils in the Putting Pandas to Work program.
      And as for the Pinksonian Zoo, I do believe Pinky has been up to no good with her computer again, and hacked into the Smithsonian data base. There are rumors that she has an accomplice in the Smithsonian Media Group offices. We are closing in on that connection now.

  7. Teresa

    oh dear, nobody understands that lil’ princess needs Mr Bun? … I am willing to pay the ransom … but they do not ask for money, just … being good with that pampered brother, always stucked to his mom :-))

    1. Panda in Chief Post author

      Bubba: whomis yoo calling pampered? I don’t wear pampers. I am a big boy panna now, almost a yeer old.


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