Indeed! We need Fabulous! We need Furry! we need a distraction from the Bread and Circus extravaganza taking place in the other Washington! Reading my ‘toons of the last few years as I look for pertinently prognosticating and prescient ‘toons to share with you, I am amazed anew about how what seemed absurd 2 + years ago (Pinky declaring war on Canada) is hardly funny now that it is not our of the realm of possibility, under the tiny paws of Mittens.
What is this country coming to? What can save us? How did we get here?
Panda satire, that’s the answer to everything!

Pinky never misses a trick!

That Pinky is too clever for her own good!

What’s that blinking red light over there?

“I thought I had until November.” -Bob T Panda

Hey! That’s not fair!!!!

Bubba: but why should I be in trubble?

I’ll talk! I’ll talk!
be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
oh, Bob T., it’s always great to see the enormous talent of Pinky. She is so so so smart… she always surprises. #Adorable #Unresisdabel #LovingPinky
Pinky really is something, isn’t she?
Bubba: yoo can say dat again!