…One Giant Panda for Bearkind!!! Yes, it’s the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. I even remember where I was! I was at music camp at West Virginia University, in Morgantown WV, where I had the dubious honor of being last chair, third clarinet, 3 years running! Who needs to practice when you’re last chair? Bonus!
But I digress…Houston! We have a problem!
Let’s celebrate some bears in space!
For a different sort of space to be lost in…
Did we mention it’s almost time for…Mei Watch?
To go, where no bear has gone before…
Bob T Panda
Thanks to all who supported the Mr. Wu Pin project! Production is underway, and hopefully we will have them in out paws by the end of August! Stay tuned if you missed our Kickstarter, but still want some goodies! Once we have them in paw, (and we’ve sent them out to our Kickstarter supporters) we’ll let you know how you can get them too!