News Flash!
Twin panda cubs were born at the Toronto Zoo in the wee hours of Tuesday morning! Mother and cubs appear to be doing well, and at least several “twin swaps” have been performed. Pandas from around the world have been sending their congratulations. The paternity has not been determined as yet, and Er Shun isn’t telling. Another pandyland scandal in the works? We can only hope. Da Mao could not be reached for comment.
And now, on with our regularly scheduled cartoon!
Pinky is being Pinky in this next episode of A Halloween Carol (with apologies to Charles Dickens) as Mr. Wu introduces the first of the spirits who will show Pinky the error of her ways.

One of Pinky’s misdeeds has come back to haunt her… can her campaign survive this?
Through the magic of the flashback panel, Pinky cannot deny that she was, indeed, naughty. Perhaps an evening of panda videos is in order.
That Pinky is such a little Dickens, isn’t she?
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Oh, Bob T., I think you’re taking all the dirt and ugly ‘thingies’ to sink her campaign. This is a very ugly strategy, really nasty. You’re an adult, you should be smarter trying to get the votes. Pinky is an innocent girl, with fun ideas, she is not a lil’ Dickens…
Now, more than ever: #Vote4Pinky #Pinky4Presydent
Um… What? Who me? Heh heh…Why that was the farthest thing from my mind. Um Hey! Why NOT vote for Bob?
Wonderful news about the Toronto pandas. Is that the babies squalling in the video? If so, they sure have healthy lungs!
And perhaps Miss Pinky will finally get her due. I hope so. 😀
Yep, those tiny pandas do not have tiny voices! What a treat for Toronto-ites! I am trying to figure out how I can get there to see the little tykes while they are little! I am cuatiously optimistic for their survival.
OF course her cubpaign can survive dis!!! Um, dis was a youthful accidental indiscretion, the “cubidate” was a mere cub-ette just learning how to use da ‘puter. Mommee didn’t hab her glasses on and couldn’t see what video games Pinky was actually playing. Look how innocently she is sleeping under her pillow with Mr. Bun!
Geez, if an innocent sweet liddle cub like Pinky could shut down roads to Cublanta, she would be working for the CIA, FBI, S(ecret) S(ervice), NASA, H(omeland) S(ecurity), or any of de udder secret ‘phabet organizations!!! At da least, she wouldn’t be roaming free around her yard(s)…
“Vote EARLY, Vote SMART, Vote P P P I I I N N N K K K Y Y Y ! ! ! ? ? ? “
Pinky “claims” she was framed. That’s her story and she’s sticking to it. Vote Early, vote often, Vote Pinky!
Best wishes to the newest cubs in Toronto! Can’t wait til they start tweeting with Bubba. Watch out world, I predict these three will a handful once they all meet!
It will be a regular Pandapalooza! Huzzah! Haven’t heard any news on them yet. One was a real big guy, rivaling Bubba maybe!
Little Dickens! Ha Ha Ha!
I couldn’t reist. :-))))
I wanna know who is the panda under the bed! A symbolic sleeping Pinky? Mazeltov to Er Shun and Da Mao! We met them a couple of years ago at the Toronto Zoo and they seemed a devoted couple! And believe me, getting to the Zoo without a car is, um, a Schlep as we NYers eternal bus ride through the peripherals of the city, preceded by a subway ride. But we are a couple of hard-core Pandaholics. PS…I think the climate there is very Panda compatible.
Yes, it is the sleeping Pinky who is dreaming about all of her visitors. I will have to try to make that clearer in some of the upcoming episodes.
I would love to go to Toronto to see the Twinkies. Not quite sure how I am going to manage it, but we’ll see. The climate there does seem to be very panda friendly. Da Mao seems to love it when it snows. Ahem… I think that Seattle is an excellent panda climate as well. Just saying.
Even if Pinky is guilty of that indiscretion, it’s not her fault the Meheims didn’t use their wits & sell their cookies online. Besides, think of all the gas the pandaholics saved by not traveling to Zoo’lanta… Pinky deserves a medal for being environmentally concerned.
That really made me laugh out loud. 😀
This may be the best rationalization for bad behavior that I have ever heard.
Well done! It was all the Meihem’s fault.
Hoo boy! I’m guessing they won’t see it that way. 🙂
I figured the Meihems would be eager to help Pinky learn her lesson. Can’t wait to see Present! I’ll bet Bubba or Mommee will be involved somehow.
I’m so happy the Toronto twins’ swaps are working out! Freshly born pandas are just so tiny and vulnerable, they need any advantage they can get, and those voices sure help a lot.
Am working on the ghost of Halloween present now. Hee hee. if Mommee is present, who will be future? I bet you can guess.
Love flashbacks!
Huzzah for Toronto Twins!!
Some might say the flashbacks were sneaky ways to get out of drawing two panels. But I think they work very well. 🙂
It is very exciting about the Toronto Twinkies. Too bad they don’t seem to have a pandy cam.