I still don’t know where this story is going, but I found my way into it a bit more. When we left the Panda Chateau, Bebe Maurice’s Maman had just received a mysterious letter from an applicant to be a governess to Fleur and Snowy….

Extra credit if you can identify the painter and painting that B. Maurice is reprising here.
Be the bear!
Bob T Panda
LOL! Recognized it right away, one of my faves! Carnation Lily Lily Rose by John Singer Sargent. Read somewhere he once referred to it as “damnation silly silly pose “. If only he’d used pandas instead?
I hadn’t heard that story! I think he would have enjoyed painting it much more with panda models! Perhaps he did and we just don’t know it. For all we know, Minette had some cubs (well, I guess she would have to if she is Bebe Maurice’s great great great great great grandmama!)
I’m hoping to squeeze out a little time between my other shows to paint a forgery of this for the Froggwell Forgery show. It’s one of my favorite paintings. (It won’t be full size…I don’t have enough time to do that. I will have to use his quote in the notes.
Are you thinking of paining a less than full size panda version forgery? If so, might you be looking for a buyer?? In the meantime, will see if I can dig up a source for that quote.
I could do it as a less than full size panda forgery, but it will have to wait for a little bit as the deadline for painting show 1 is right on my heels! You know how much I love doing authentically styled panda forgeries!
Here’s link to book review that mentions the quote (down several paragraphs) although I don’t believe this is where I originally read it. https://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/28/books/white-shoulders.html
Read that he had numerous posings, each just a few minutes at a time to catch the certain moment’s light near day’s end. And think I read there were several versions sewn & worn of the white dresses. He might not have ended up liking it, but I love it.
I was going to guess Abearican Gothic.
no, no, no!
No rush at all about panda forgery. But definitely something to talk about when you have some time. 😉
Snow and Fleury: Run away beary fast from that scary panda lady! Run to Mommee stat!
That sounds like excellent advice!