…Something more innocent than the current Nooz cycle, that is! (inky can hardly be described as innocent!) When the current occupant (occupier?) of the White House behaves like a pouting toddler, we need some junior pandas to raise the level of discussion.
Where will it all end? I have no idea, but I will keep drawing pandas as long as I can!

Don’t you ebber knock?
Hey! What about more PINS????
For those who are wondering (you were, weren’t you?) I have decided not to do another round of pins and patches before the end of the year. I find I have not nearly enough year left, or energy to add this into the rest of the year. Never fear, I have so many ideas and I really want them to come into being, so the pin/patch project will return after the new year.
That said, I do still have inventory of all the previous pins, including some slightly less than perfect pins that I can sell at a lower price. So, if you want to do a little holiday shopping, feel free to contact me via the Contact Page. (This is the most reliable method, as FB and Twitter messages can get lost in the shuffle, and don’t even think about asking via a comment thread. The likelihood of me seeing that is less than 50%!)
I’ll try to get things packed and shipped out to you as soon as I can. I usually go to the post office once or twice a week. (I am not Amazon!)
Panda On!
Bob T Panda
I love what Ping is reading!
Hee hee! He is working on his English.