Can I just say, that many of your questions would be answered if you just read The Phantom Tollbooth?

Sorry I’m late! Hope this will hold you till next week. But if you need something else to read, hop on over to Substack to read It’s a WUnderful Life!
Be the Bear
Bob T did George Santos get expelled today? Panda
I just read that one of the little creatures fell off the car! Oh no! Should Bikkie and Pookie rescue him???
definitely not!
The poor widdle thing has no idea what he was getting into. He probably thought his ethics and values would be welcomed and adored. He’s going to need a lot of therapy.
which poor little thing? Did you miss the part of them being House of Rep members? Anyway, that’s nothing vcompared with what is about to happen to them. hee hee
Can’t wait! Even if George fell off the car there are plenty more!
Alas. I have a lot on my plate this week and new ‘toons will have to wait till next week. I’ll fill in with some old favorites!
By all means enjoy your holidays! I’m in no rush. I just thought it was humorous and deliberate that it looked like one little congressman fell off the car at the same time they voted in reality to throw one out of the clown car!