I’m trying to ease back a bit and enjoy the quiet of the season and get ready to welcome back some light into our lives.
Like THAT’S gonna happen.
Anyway, I’m gonna do this Encore Presentation in two chunks, for Thursday and Friday this week, then next week (hopefully, ha ha!) back to my regular schedule. Or as regular as things can be, all things considered. anyway, if you want to revisit one of my other holiday classics, (Pinky: starring ME! da only icon you will ebber need!) I did an Encore Presentation of A Halloween Carol over on the Substck thingie.
So here we go! Sit back and enjoy Beary Poppins, part one!

Well that’s it for today! I’m so glad you’re here with me! ‘Toon in TOMORROW for the final installment of Beary Poppins!
Be the Bear
Bob T is trying to be a brave Panda
such a classic
Thank you. It’s one of my favorites!
I laughed (as usual) when I read these episodes again! 😂😂😂 Thank you for the encore presentation!
I’m glad you enjoyed them. Who would ever think we would look back on 2020 and think “more innocent times.” Yikes.