Wow, the smoke is still with us all up and down the west coast. Could this have anything to do with a sulfurous being visiting the left coast? I can’t help but picture “president” Swamp gaily skipping down through a forest, splashing gasoline in one hand, and tossing lit matches from the other.
I sure hope we survive till we get to vote.

Vote for Pinky! Vote Early! Vote Often!
Just so you know, I really appreciate your comments about how much my ‘toons help you get through these unimaginable times. Knowing that I am helping you helps ME. Every day brings a new assault. Not all of it is caused by “president”Swamp, but he shows no interest in helping anyone other than himself.
It’ a lot of pressure for a tiny baby panda. If this little ball of fluff knew that we are hanging on it’s every squeak and burp, I’m not sure what it would do. I am starting on a new story, which I hope to have the first episodes by the first week of October! Stay tuned for this, along with my regular Holiday Encore Presentations for Sundays, including A Halloween Carol, and everyone’s favorite, The Wizard of Wu!
Keep the faith, and like Bubba says, check your voter registration and make sure to vote early!
Panda On
Bob T Panda
Ooh…..I see the little guy made an appearance in your ‘toon! And I agree, we ALL need to VOTE!
yep, da baby snuck in for a cameo appearance! Keep your eyes open for more appearances!
If WA, OR and CA had Republican governors I think Bonespurs would be quick to help those states in this environmental crisis. Bet he’d cone with a rake in hand to help clean the forest floor! 😳
I know that for a fact to be true. We will not survive a second term.
Miracle Bebe! YAY! It does my heart and tired being good to see our miracle make an appearance.
Wasn’t that the whole point of Mei having another cub? so I could have a new character for my ‘toon?