Author Archives: Panda in Chief

About Panda in Chief

Anne Belov paints, writes, makes prints, and is the founder of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire. You can find her paintings at the Rob Schouten Gallery and Fountainhead Gallery, her cartoons on The Panda Chronicles, and her new book here. She also writes regularly for The Whidbey Life Magazine, a free journal of art and culture on Whidbey Island. Her main regret in life is that there is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire.

Sisters, Sisters!

Most of my faithful friends and readers here at The Panda Chronicles know that the real life Mei Xiang and Lun Lun are half sisters, sharing their dad, I believe. While Mei Xiang is the picture of responsible motherhood, I somehow always picture Lun Lun as the more flamboyant sister, who has taken on the persona of a southern belle, always sending her last cubbies, the somewhat…um…problematic Six and Sebben off to her sister’s house.

I mean, Meizzy has all these other bears and odd characters hanging out at the DC Panda House, so what does it matter if Lun Lun’s more …um…adventurous daughters are added to the mix, bless their hearts?

Things are about to get interesting down in Pandalanta! Are they ready for it? I guess we’ll see!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Be sure to check out things over at Substack! Six and Sebben are featured in honor of their 7th birthday!

Six and Sebben Find a Purpose

In case you were wondering, Six and Sebben turned sebben…um…I mean seven this year on Sunday. I’m going to put together a little retrospective for them over at the Substack, maybe around Wednesday…

Anyway, due to recent events taking place down in Pandalanta, they decided to give Pinky back her suite as they have VERY IMPORTANT things to do!

I’m sure Six and Sebben will be a HUGE help to D.A. Fani Willis!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Is not an un-indicted co-conspirator Panda

Bears! Bears! Bears! Bears Everywhere!

Bears are laughing…all the way to the top of Half Dome in the fabled Yosemite National Park. But wait…don’t you need a permit to climb half Dome?

Bears: Permits? PERMITS??? We don’t need no stinking permits!!!

Naturally, ZooNooZ has sent their intrepid reporters to Yosemite to get the REAL story!

Yosemite might be where I first saw a video of bears behaving badly in cars. The ranger station has a parade of bad bears playing on an endless loop in the check in office, to remind people not to leave food in their cars overnight.

If you doubt Frank and Mikey, you can read about enterprising bears here.

Be the (snorf) Bear!

Bob T keep your friends close and your food closer Panda

Pinky Will Now Receive Your Testimonials

The GQP are in equal parts enraging and hilarious. A recent news story about ol’ Smokey Eye Sarah, revealed that on the website, a requirement for people wishing jobs or to be on commissions, must write a 500 word essay about what they admired most about their dominatrix…um…I mean governor.

As you might imagine, Pinky had some thoughts.

It really should be illegal to steal ideas from a panda.

Be the Bear
Bob T what do you like most about me Panda

Let’s go back, back to the Panda House!

Bikkie has the important job of narrating the previous events that brought us to where we are now!

Just a reminder that it is DC Panda Birthday week over at my Substack encampment! Pop on over there if you haven’t already, and read a nice little assortment of ‘toons about the panda kids!

Be the Bear!
Bob T pass me some cake Panda

The True Scoop on Hank the Tank comes to you on ZooNooZ!

So. Many. Bears in the NooZ!!!!! If it’s not bears in swimming pools, reports of bears climbing Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, (Really! More to come on this shocking story!)bears breaking into cars, it’s the top story of the day, the arrest of Hank the Tank!

Of course, ZooNooZ got the first interview!

well, I don’t know that we’ll be RIGHT back with more on Hank…I mean Henrietta’s story, but we will be back eventually!

As you know, it is Birthday Week in DC!

Monday was Bikkie’s 3rd birthday (where DOES the time go?) today is Bubba’s and of course, tomorrow is Pinky’s birthday. I’ve done birthday extravaganza posts over at Substack, so if you want to see what some of my favorite ‘toons for each of the bears are, head over to Substack to see!

Be the Bear!
Bob T I wasn’t trying to take her purse Panda

More Wild Animals, More Stoopid People

Yes, Henrietta (aka Hank the Tank) will be back next week. we had to…um…find a “special” chair for her, so that she could be on set for her interview. I don’t KNOW this report (unverified) from a former Lake Tahoe resident who wrote in to The New Yorker, is about Hank, but given her wily nature, it COULD be! Anyway, this person claims that as he watched out his window, he saw a bear working their way down the street, checking all the car doors to see if they were locked, until finally finding an open car, so they could check for donuts or potato chips. You just can’t be too careful when it comes to possible past expiration date potato chips!

Frank: that definitely wasn’t us.
Pookie: but it coulda been!
Mikey: quiet, Pookie! It wasn’t us!

Anyway, bears are not the only trouble makers in the clash between humans and animals!

Be sure to check over at Substack for Birthday Season updates for Pinky, Bubba, and Bikkie!

Be the Bear!
Bob T don’t hug the panda Panda

Nixon’s Ghost Has Indictment Envy

I mean, who wouldn’t? What with the potential of Georgia election interference and possible RICO charges landing on the sculptured fluff of TFG’s head, is it any surprise that Nixon’s Ghost has made yet another appearance?

Honestly, it is a mystery to me on how we are going to get out of this mess. Naively, I thought when Mittens lost in 2020, he would blow off some steam and then fade into oblivion. Hoo boy! What the hell have I been smoking? Nothing, that’s what. I’m not sure how I am going to survive this next two years. Pass the cake!

Birthday week is coming up for Pinky, Bubba, and Bikkie! I have not figured out what I will do to celebrate, but I might run some of my favorite ‘toons of the early birthday seasons of the three younger DC cubbies over at my Substack installation.

Be the Bear
Bob T we will get through this somehow Panda

Consequences Must Be Paid

We can only hope there will be consequences for Mittens and all his minions. In the meantime, another career criminal has been taken the streets. Or is that trails? (Gift Link)

Will Mittens’ lawyers show up as required to Judge Chutkan’s court? I guess we’ll see. meanwhile, Hank the Tank (aka Henrietta) is going to face some consequences!

I bet she’ll be interviewed on ZooNooZ first, though!

Be the Bear
Bob T no bear shaming here Panda

The Return of the King

No, not that king. Or not that king either, and definitely not the person who thinks he’s a king. I am, of course, referring to Otis. King of the Katmai Park, a bear to be reckoned with in the pecking order of the gang at Brooks Falls. Otis is now believed to be 27, which is old for a bear in captivity, and very old for a bear in the wild.

I read this most lovely tribute on Fezbook here. If it doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, you may already be dead. (I tried to link to this post, but since I couldn’t make it work probably due to some fez book noises, I added a screenshot instead, with the author of the post included)

Of course, ZooNooZ had to send their ace correspondents up to Alaska to interview the bears gathering in the park!

Mikey, too, is devoted to Otis.

Mikey (to Otis): You can have all my fish, buddy!

Be the Bear
Bob T waiting for the next indictment Panda