Author Archives: Panda in Chief

About Panda in Chief

Anne Belov paints, writes, makes prints, and is the founder of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire. You can find her paintings at the Rob Schouten Gallery and Fountainhead Gallery, her cartoons on The Panda Chronicles, and her new book here. She also writes regularly for The Whidbey Life Magazine, a free journal of art and culture on Whidbey Island. Her main regret in life is that there is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire.

Insurrection Update!

Surely, you don’t want to rely on all that main stream media to hear the latest! No! You want a reliable NooZ source! One with Pandas! And cats!

You can always trust what a panda tells you!*

*Um…unless maybe if it’s Pinky or PPJ.

Hang on to your hats. It’s gonna be…um…well, you know.

Be the Bear
Bob T why isn’t this over Panda

Hey! Yes you! Did you know I have a new book collection of my ‘toons you read here? It’s Book 10 of The Panda Chronicles: Litter Box of Chaos – The Mittens years. Yes, its my political leaning ‘toons from the last 5 years and you can get it on Amazon!

If you like it, it really helps with visibility and sales if you leave a review. It doesn’t need to be long! One or two sentences saying you peed your pants you were laughing so hard or that coffee squirted out your nose. Thank you!

Look out DC! There’s a New Bear in Town…

Oh my.
Oh My


Be the Bear
Bob T maybe if I hide under the sofa…Panda

This would be a good time to order Book 10 of the Panda Chronicles! Quick, before Josie catches up with me!

More about the so- called Sedition Panda

It hurts my fingers to type that phrase!

This is Panda Defamation. I’m pretty sure there is a law against that!

I mean if that P.A.B. (look it up in the Congressional Record) Ron DeSanctus wants to make bloggers who want to say mean things about him register with the state of Floriduh, it surely must be illegal to portray pandas in an unflattering way!

Be the Bear!
Bob T I’ll say anything I want about Floriduh Panda


This just in!

Noo s**t has come to light!

I know you were all waiting to hear what PPJ’s cunning plan was, but we just had to deal with this SHOCKING Nooz story!!! We are a Nooz show, after all!

And yes, someone DID have the bad taste to dress up as a panda and then commit a crime!

Be the Bear
Bob T there should be a law against impersonating pandas Panda

You Knew Someone Was Going to Get Grounded, Didn’t You?

Was it YOU?

We have recently received reports of the arrest of one of the Jan 6 insurrectionists who was reported to have worn…I can’t believe I have to say this… a PANDA SUIT when he invaded the Capitol.

Do I have to remind you that pandas are peaceful and a force for good and would never, never, never support Mittens? Needless to say, ZooNooZ will be covering this shameful episode next week. Defamation suits are being considered.

Be the Bear
Bob T pandas would never do that Panda

BTW, I have a new thingie on my Substack Noozletter!

Did I mention there will be a new book SOON?

Another International Incident Narrowly Averted

Never underestimate the diplomatic value of hot cocoa (with liddle marshymallows) and cookies!

I’m guessing everyone involved (except for the First Lady) will be grounded.

A reminder that my pontificating can be found over on my new Substack NoozLetter. Feel free to subscribe as a free or paid subscriber. Both are welcome! Also, I am making progress on my new book! Hopefully by next week I’ll be ready to do a cover reveal and have a little more accurate estimate of when it will be available.

Till then…

Be the Bear
Bob T I’m tired of winter Panda

What goes up…More spy balloon nonsense

It was nice of whoever is continuing to float UFOs around the sky so that my ‘toon series would be relevant. Was this a spy balloon, or just a wayward panda cubby?

You be the judge!

You had ONE JOB, Beary Poppins!

Hee Hee!

Be the Bear
Bob T I told you nothing bad would happen Panda