Anne Belov paints, writes, makes prints, and is the founder of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire. You can find her paintings at the Rob Schouten Gallery and Fountainhead Gallery, her cartoons on The Panda Chronicles, and her new book here. She also writes regularly for The Whidbey Life Magazine, a free journal of art and culture on Whidbey Island. Her main regret in life is that there is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire.
Technically speaking, Saturday September 3rd is their birthday and believe it or don’t, they are turning 6! How is this possible? (Lun Lun: Tell me about it, bless their hearts!)
So, without further ado (or any thoughts about just where the documents that went in those empty top secret folders are…) let’s dive into the archives for the Best (ha ha) of Six and Sebben!
Twinkies 2.0 put on a show!Hey! What are you two doing up on top of the ski jump?Four pandas are better than two.I don’t think this crew of minions is going to be quite as devoted as her last ones.Who will win? Six and Sebben battle it out on the track!What WAS that stuff Six dumped in front of Sebben’s car?That’s one heck of a lot of ear wax!!!Well, bless her heart!
I bet this was the last time it was Aunty Mei’s idea for Six and Sebben to visit the DC panda house!
I hope you enjoyed this round up of ‘toons featuring Six and Sebben! we are lucky to still have them in Pandalanta this long. Or maybe China kept saying, “Um, the number you have reached is not in service…please send different pandas if you think you have reached this number in error.”
Be the Bear Bob T I definitely did not take those classified documents out of those folders Panda
Here we are, almost two years into Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s 1st term in office, and the news is still Mittens Mittens Mittens. I can only hope that indictments are on the horizon, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
But meanwhile, here is a little good NooZ!
The book illustrated by yours truly, and written by author Beth Bacon officially hits the stands next week! One of the things that helps get books seen and read (besides buying it) is requesting that your local library buy it.
Most library websites have a page where you can request them to purchase a book for their collection. Here is the information you need to make a request:
Title: The Panda Cub Swap Author: Beth Bacon Illustrator: Anne Belov Publication Date: September 6, 2022 ISBN-10 : 1592111645 ISBN-13 : 978-1592111640 Publisher : Histria Kids
And in additional exciting nooz, the book has already won one of the numerous minor awards that are a regular thing in the children’s book world. The book has won the Mom’s Choice Award, which means we get to display the nifty little badge on the upper right corner (looks nice with the blue, don’t you think?)
You can also request that your favorite book store order it, if you don’t want to give more $$ to Amazon. Always buy the book with the cheerful baby panda on the cover saying “hi hi hi hi!”
Here’s today’s ‘toon. I promise I’ll get back to our favorite pandas next week!
This Saturday is the birthday of Six and Sebben, so I guess we’ll have to let them on the set of the Panda Chronicles for the Sunday Funday Archive ‘toon episode. Hold onto your wallets and your cuppycakes. and mebbee tell them the Panda Swap book is about them.
Be the Bear Bob T my floor usually does look like an FBI crime photo Panda
Let’s have one more round of celebration for the DC Panda Kids!
You can’t make me….Uh oh…it’s the Pinky Revenue Service!Well, it WAS a good messaging opportunity…Is there anything more fun than watching Bike play wit Mommee or even just roll around in the den by himself?
I hope you enjoyed these ‘toons from the archives, as we celebrate the birthdays of Pinky, Bubba, and Bikkie!
‘Toon in next week for more fun with pandas, and mebbee a little bit of current events!
Be the Bear Bob T I have definitely not been in the secret tunnel under Purr-a-Lago Panda
Stories have a way of regenerating as new s**t comes to light! But for now, we are going to call this story done, with this episode.
So Let’s get to it!
It looks like Bikkie made a new friend! Call the building contractor, Tian! We might need to make an addition on to Bikkie’s room. And who does this cub belong to? I guess we’ll find out eventually.
A Little Bit About My Process:
Some stories start with an idea that is floating around on the internet. These nooz stories enter my brain, slosh around a bit, colliding with existing characters, melding with preconceived ideas, and finally plooping out onto the page.
For instance: Where did Frank and Mikey come from?
In the fall of 2018, when it became apparent the the current SCOTUS nominee was even more awful than we thought he was, the thought crossed my mind, wouldn’t it be funny if he was eaten by bears on the steps of the Supreme Court?
Naturally, Mehitabel (being the savvy journalist that she is,) invited the bears for an interview on ZooNooZ. To be completely candid, their personalities emerged with little intervention from me. Honestly, sometimes I think I am merely a conduit through which the various cats, pandas, and other animals that appear in these pages, and speak their own thoughts.
Once here, I could not get the bears to leave, despite very pointed glares coming from Mei Xiang as she dealt with her ever expanding household.
And so it is with all the other characters. Sometimes, they don’t have much to say to me, so I let them just wander around in the background, until they have pressing business with me.
For those who might be interested, here is how my ‘toons come into being:
Idea > scribbled post it note > write script, seeing if I can fit the action/dialog/cast into a 4 panel strip > rough pencil sketch in my sketchbook to figure out layout > light editing of placement, text > redraw the toon on smooth Bristol paper > ink in panel lines > ink in text> ink in all characters > erase pencil lines when dry > Scan > clean up scan in photo editing program > post on The Panda Chronicles
Be the Bear Bob T I have no classified documents Panda
Several people had expressed their concern about Bikkie arriving home in time for his birthday. I can only say, time is a very elastic thing in ‘toon world, so it is STILL Bikkie’s birthday as we arrive in today’s ‘toon!
Also, a little POOF can account for many elaborately drawn scenes!
Send cuppycakes and magical wands!I love a good art forgery, don’t you?Feed me, Mama!“If Pinky is grounded, can I have her dessert?”Oh come on…hasn’t that ever happened to you? One minute there are two dozen cuppycakes just sitting there, and the next minute they’re gone?Don’t ignore Princess Pinky!
Remember Bubba’s first birthday when he flunked cake?
Bubba flunks “cake”
He was determined not to let that happen on his 2nd Birthday!
It does not pay to be late! You don’t want to flunk cake again, do you, Boo Boo?
2020 was the year we thought we were all going to lose our minds, or die from the plague, or be faced with four more years of you know who. But in August, something wonderful happened. And then there were Three!(or 4 counting Ping!)
A new cubby! The possibilities are endless!Pinky did something wrong? I’m shocked!Bikkie has a name!!!!
Later in the year, we will rerun the whole Beary Poppins story, but for now, here is one of my favorite panels…
Let’s go fly a kite…uh oh.
And to wrap up our Birthday Celebration Weekend…
I hope you are enjoying Bikkie’s cake at the zoo! Stay ‘tooned till “toonsday!”
Next weekend is the big trifecta, the birthdays of Bikkie (our own miracle cubbie) Bubba, and of course, Princess Pinky (#ClapLouder) Rather than try to sort out the ‘toons, this week and next (and probably the week after) I’m just gonna feature all of them.
Hopefully, it will distract us from the even worse clusterf*ck that is happening around TFG and his collection of purloined classified documents that he secreted away at Purr-a-Lago.
But first, I was looking in my computer files for some art business stuff, and I came across this thing I wrote. I’m not sure what I wrote it for, but I thought I would share it here. The file was called “100 words to my younger self”
Take chances. Listen to the voice in your head that says “YES! …What if…” Don’t listen to voices that say what you want is impossible. Don’t wait for permission.
The cost of a trip to Italy is the same whether or not you worry about the cost. Walk away from toxic people; you won’t change them, but they’ll try to change you, and not for the better.
Hang out with people who appreciate you. Pay attention to what and who makes you happy. Stay connected to those you love.
Watch panda videos.
Take chances.
Now, here are some of my favorite ‘toons about my favorite pandas!
Pinky tests her powers….oops.Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!Really, Pinky….It’s not nice to tease your little brother.See? I told you it was broken!
What a great excuse to run some of my most favorite ‘toons!