Author Archives: Panda in Chief

About Panda in Chief

Anne Belov paints, writes, makes prints, and is the founder of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire. You can find her paintings at the Rob Schouten Gallery and Fountainhead Gallery, her cartoons on The Panda Chronicles, and her new book here. She also writes regularly for The Whidbey Life Magazine, a free journal of art and culture on Whidbey Island. Her main regret in life is that there is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire.

While we Ignore the Latest Nooz From WaPo…

Very Important Things Are Happening…

Not the least of which are happening on a certain ferry boat which is taking an exceedingly long time to dock in Alaska…

Thanks to ALW for coming up with the name, Kabikkie, which is what PPJ calls her Unka Bikkie!

And…um…you might want to read the breaking nooz on Wa Po about just what Mittens had squirreled away at Merde-A-Lago…

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

You Would Think There Might Be More Important Things Going On, But You Would Be Wrong

I’m sure Zoonooz will be covering current events soon, but just right now there are more important issues to cope with…


No one is above the law. More on this shocking idea later.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Viva La France! (French Pandas, that is!)

This past week, we celebrated the birthdays of Bebe Maurice and Fleur and Snowy! Here is a selection of ‘toons about them before we get down next week, to the serious business of celebrating the DC panda cubs!


Zank hebben…for leettle bears!
Of COURSE he would be an artist!
We are pandas of mystery!
What grace! What form! Bebe Maurice is a painter to be reckoned with!

Gee, I guess I don’t have very many ‘toons with Fleur and Snowy! I’ll have to work on that! Also I never finished the story when Babette came to be their governess. Oopsie!

Well, Hopefully this will hold you till I start the Pinky-stravaganza next week!

Till then, Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Bears on the Lam! The Saga Continues!

I must point out that today is the birthday of the adorable French twins, Fleur and Snowy! They are one year old today. Their big brother Bebe Maurice celebrates his birthday on Thursday! We will share some of their finest moments in ‘toons on Sunday!

But now…to our feature ‘toon of the day!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Panda Birthday Season

It’s the high season of Panda Birthdays. This week we celebrate the birthdays of the great Mr. Wu, the triplets (aka Pinky’s minions) and PPJ, Pinky’s real life daughter and supernatural apparition within The Panda Chronicles.

Let’s get this panda party started!

Remember when Mr Wu got a present from da panda kindy?

Will the panda kindergarten get it put together before Bai Yun gets home?
Mr Wu finds out that the Meihems were born in Pandalanta
Triple Trouble indeed!
What are Pinky and her minions getting up to?

And then, of course, there is Princess Pinky Junior, aka PPJ. Here, to celebrate her birthday, is the entire story of her arrival in the Panda Chronicles, “Someday you’ll have a cub just like YOU” aka Pinky’s nightmare.

This isn’t a dream…it’s a nightmare!

I hope you enjoyed our encore presentation of this segment of panda birthday season! Tune in next Sunday when we start our monthlong celebration of the most famous pandas anywhere (Pinky made me write that) Bikkie, Bubba, and of course…um…what was her name? Oh yeah! Pinky!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

BTW, I made a felty cake to celebrate Mr. Wu’s 10th birthday. It’s one of a kind and includes Mr. Wu atop his cake. The whole thing stands about 5 inches tall with Wu. It is available for $98 + shipping. Send a message via the Contact Us page.

Of Course Pinky Would be a Tech Wizard!

Did you ever have any doubts about her capabilities and talents?

I didn’t think so! #ClapLouder

Rumor has it that Le Le, the first cub born in Singapore turns one shortly, and they have declared that he gets a whole birthday MONTH!!!! I suspect some other little pandas are going to want more than just one DAY!!!

So here are some more birthday ‘toons celebrating this weeks batch of birthdays!

Minion security: you can’t be too careful.
birthday week
It’s so hard to be cool when you still live with your mom.

Well, that’s all for now! See you on Sunday for more ‘toons from the archives!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Post script:

I thought I had more time. But I am now the last Anne standing. I just learned that my dear friend Anne Davenport passed away yesterday.

Let me explain about being the last Anne. When I moved to Whidbey Island over 30 years ago, I met the friend of a friend from Seattle. She in turn, welcomed me into a small group of her friends, which, coincidentally were all named Anne, except for the aforementioned friend of a friend, whose name was Fran. We referred to ourselves as three Annes and a Fran, but we renamed Fran Frances Anne.

We met every Wednesday for breakfast and conversation, and sometimes laundry, as I did not have my own washing machine. Annie C. tried to teach me how to fold laundry, but I was pretty hopeless. One of the best gifts I ever received was after my house fire, and Annie C. took home all my clothes and washed, ironed, and folded them for me.

Not long after that, she was diagnosed with cancer and after an awful and hard year and a half, she died. I remember that we continued to meet, two Annes and a Fran, after that for a few years, but Annie C was the glue that best held us together. We still got together from time to time, but not as regularly. Life has a habit of getting in the way.

Fran had several brushes with cancer, but being Fran, she browbeat it into submission several times. Formidable does not begin to cover it. As big as her force of will was, her heart was bigger. I spent many raucous holiday dinners at her house. I always had a place of refuge when I needed it. She could be considered the godmother of The Panda Chronicles since, in her run for Island County commissioner, she made me the official campaign cartoonist.

a ‘toon I did for her campaign

A political being to the end, she died late in 2019, before the pandemic and before she could see TFG’s ass soundly whipped by Joe Biden.

Annie D had health issues almost since I’ve known her, but she rarely let them get in the way of doing what she wanted to do. She was a weaver and a knitter and a quilter with a strong aesthetic. I have several of her quilts and many scarves. The pandemic robbed us of far more than just going to movies, restaurant dining, and traveling. It robbed us of the ease of visiting, of dropping in on our friends, of face to face time.

One of the activities we shared for more than 10 years was the Anne x 2 art show, which we held in my studio. Some years we had lots of sales, but mostly it was a chance to hang out together. We quit doing it a few years back, when uncertain weather and more of a proliferation of art shows made traffic slow to a trickle. We also had an art/life strategy meeting every January. We would put our goals for our creative work life down in writing and even when I didn’t look at my list during the year, having set my intention helped me stay focused.

And now she is gone. I hadn’t been over to see her since May. I thought there was more time. and so our coven of Annes is now just me.

In memoriam: Anne Niles Davenport July 27, 2022

The Saga Continues!

Oh my, TFG’s multi-shirted cretin is fresh from his contempt of congress conviction and still is promoting additional insurrectionist activities. Will we ever get any relief from this mob?

Let’s step into the Panda House for a little relief from reality!

Pinky is full of surprises!

I hope everyone is getting their cakes made and presents bought, because as I was reminded the other day, not only is it Mr. Wu’s birthday this Friday, it is also PPJ’s birthday and Pinky’s minions! (aka the triplets!)

Thanks a lot, Leslie. I think you gave Pinky this idea.

Party at the Panda House!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Sunday Thoughts and the Beginning of Mr. Wu’s Birthday Week!

As you might imagine, the January 6th Committee Hearings are giving me many, many thoughts. Having the events put into a running timeline, from what was happening behind the scenes even before the election, right up until the minute by minute events at TFG’s rally to the coordinated effort (pre planned as we are learning) to storm the Capitol, is really helpful to understand the enormity of this event.

We really did come very close to losing our democratic form of government.

I appreciate all the people (primarily republicans who worked for TFG) who have come forward to testify. I really do. It doesn’t make them heroes, but they did need to find a reservoir of courage to speak up. There are some of course, who despite the fact they admit that TFG went three stops past too far, say they would still have voted for him and that they are “proud of their accomplishments.”


Maybe they want to stay in good standing with the GOP, such as it is, or maybe they have the very real fear that angry mobs will show up on their doorsteps or attack them online. This is happening and these acts are terrible. The violence that has been directed at some of the people who have testified is not the equivalent of peaceful protest at the recent SCOTUS decisions or attacks by the states on reproductive health freedom.

I am also grateful the representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger have stepped up to be such integral members of the J6 Committee. Despite what TFG and his minions say, it really IS bipartisan with them on board.

I would just have this one little thought for them to consider as they move forward with their life in politics or out of it:

I know that we are never going to agree with many of our core philosophies of what constitutes good government. But I ask if you can see that the GOP stance on voting, on telling lies about your opponents, are the very things that brought us to the point that a corrupt president would think it was his god given right to abuse his office, mismanage a global pandemic, and end with an attempt to overthrow the government.

Going forward I would wish not that we agree on everything, but that we can accept that we each have sincerely held beliefs. That we can debate these differences without telling lies and attacking each other. That voting is a right and the more people that are engaged in voting, the better it is for our country. That an educated population is more productive than an ignorant one. That healthcare and housing and adequate food for all makes a better, safer country for everyone. That clean air and water and open space and pandas are part of having a strong country. (did you notice I snuck pandas in there?)

People should be able to be who they are, love and marry who they wish, or not marry at all if that is their preference. Why is this such a hard thing?

But now, it’s time to start celebrating the Wu Self’s Birthday Season because he turns 10 this year!!!!

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”
“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “
Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!
An explorer’s work is never done.
It is so hard for a small panda to prevail….
Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?

We will continue this adventure next Sunday, in part 2 of Mr. Wu’s birthday celebration!

Till then, keep being the bears, remember to check your registration and VOTE! Current polls are showing that Democrats have a much stronger possibility of holding on to both the House and the Senate. This is only possible if we get informed as to who wants to do what and then get out there and VOTE!

Bob T *I voted the primary* Panda

If anyone in western Washington state wants a good voting guide, I have several that were recommended by a local organization that I trust:

Progressive Voters’ Guide:

LD 10 Democrats: 

Marianne Edain’s Politiblog:

Grizzly Bears: There’s a Reason They’re on the Endangered Species List

The continuing adventures of Frank and Mikey (and Bikkie!)

Back in the real world, we are awaiting the start of the next January 6th committee hearing, so while we ponder how close we came to the end of democracy, here is a story with bears (and not the one that made the news recently!)

And in case you were wondering, Mittens (aka TFG) is guilty!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Hi Hi Hi Hi!!