I’ve been on a little journey these last two weeks…not an actual journey, mind you. More of a healthcare journey. Don’t panic. All is well. But my vision has been dimming and clouding these last couple years, and while the pandemic is not exactly on the run, it felt safe enough to consider….
Cataract surgery.
Just thinking about getting to the point where I needed cataract surgery made me feel very old. But it was time to suck it up and do it, as the last time I had my eyes examined last year, the doctor was saying he didn’t know how much more he could improve my vision with glasses.
I opted not to get the kind of lenses that meant I would no longer need glasses. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 8 and I like them. If nothing else, I am much less likely to poke my eye with a branch when gardening, if I still wear glasses.
Even though my eyes are still recovering, I can see much better. One of my old pairs of glasses seems to be working generally, but not so well for close up. So, I will henceforth blame all typos on this for the time being. Heh!
One thing I can see quite clearly is that the GOP (Guns Over People) Party would rather see more people shot than to either offend the NRA or have President Biden get any credit for doing anything good.
And now, for some PANDAS!
Just in case any of you are about to acquire a swimming pool…you know who you are!

Am I sensing a theme here?

…and among the other fine offerings of August 2012….we celebrate graduation season!

Everybody sing!!!!

I hope these ‘toons from the archive brighten up your day a little bit!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda