Author Archives: Panda in Chief

About Panda in Chief

Anne Belov paints, writes, makes prints, and is the founder of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire. You can find her paintings at the Rob Schouten Gallery and Fountainhead Gallery, her cartoons on The Panda Chronicles, and her new book here. She also writes regularly for The Whidbey Life Magazine, a free journal of art and culture on Whidbey Island. Her main regret in life is that there is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire.

We Want to See Your Papers

Someone might want to warn TFG to beware the Ides of March. Perhaps absconding with classified documents might be the very thing…

It continues to be amazing that TFG is continuously revealed to have done ever so many crime-y appearing things, and as yet has suffered no consequences for them. I hope this “so much winning” streak soon comes to an end!

There are a few more Pand-O-Lympics events to come next week, so stay ‘tooned! Also coming is an interview on ZooNooZ with Famed Bear about town Hank the Tank! Huzzah! I guess I have to make some felty Hank the Tanks!

Stay ‘TOONED!!!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

It’s International Polar Bear Day!

Who doesn’t love polar bears? (besides seals?)

Felty Polar Bear and her cubbies! Want em? Contact me!

It’s been a week, hasn’t it? Poot’n has invaded Ukraine, but the Ukrainians are fighting back hard and have no f**ks left to give. Europe has stepped up with aid and so has NATO. We are going to have our first female African American SCOTUS Justice, it the GQP can get its head out of its a** long enough to admit she is more qualified than the last 3 they rammed on to the court. Cue the “But maybe she is TOO qualified” chorus to start whining in 3…2…1…

Texas, Floriduh, and Oklahoma, oh and let’s not forget Virginia, are all trying to out do one another for the most regressive and cruel legislation on woman’s reproductive rights, health care for trans children, and education. I can only conclude that they want a beaten down, uneducated populace. No wonder Barker Carlson sings Poot’n’s praises.


Let’s have some pandas! Time to spin the random ‘toon archive generator!

This is one of my earliest ‘toons and I dedicate it to James Fallows!
“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “
The panda kindergaten knows where you live.
panda movie
There…now do you see?
panda movie
Panda reproduction explained
Oh, Mr. Bun! Where have you been?


Sunflowers 3 plate Lithograph 17″x11″

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Bob Recreates his Triumphant 2010 Pand-O-Lympics Performance

Having lost his position as Team Panda coach, Bob decides it’s time for him to return to the ski slopes in hopes of winning Olympic Gold! Will Bob prevail? will he triumph over the giant panda slalom?

It’s just the GIANT SLALOM! Not the GIANT PANDA SLALOM!!!!

I think there is still a bit of Olympic excitement yet to come, but noon never sleeps, and there are breaking Nooz reports coming across our desk every day! I just can’t draw fast enough! Yowza!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

The Pand-O-Lympics Continue!

This ‘toon (22oon) is coming to you at 2:22 on 2/22/22 (or for you folks not in the US: 22/2/22) Just in case you care about these kind of numerical occurrences…


Six and Sebben hit the slopes! (Not to mention each other!)

I heard they might also participate in the four panda bobsled event with their sisters, the Meihems!

I hope you are panda-ing on!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

You Know What Time of Year This is?

Why, it’s The Panda Season of LOOOOOVE!

Even though we no longer have any participants in The Panda Season of Love in the US of A, we are still interested observers (Not like THAT!!!) of the season! Here are some ‘toons from the archives celebrating this season of Love amongst the pandas!

I hope people haven’t had enough of silly love songs!
it’s the panda, the panda season of love!
The Scottish pandas have had a few disappointments…
A bear by any other name, would still smell pretty funky.
A panda by any other name, would smell…well, they would just smell…
“It was dark….there were men in masks….”
Um…pass the beer and poutine, please!

To celebrate the Panda Season of Love, all feltie panda orders (or any other kind of feltie) will come with a complimentary roll of Panda Season of Love Washi tape. Want to see what we have in the way of Felites? Fill in the comment form below and I can send you pictures of available felt creations.

I’m working on a collection I’m almost ready to launch, which are NOT pandas! What could they be? I just need to make a few more and then I will announce them!

Here is a picture of the actual tape! The Panda Season of Love tape is on the bottom. All styles of tape are available for a set of 4 for $18 including US shipping.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The Pand-O-Lympics Continue!

Is cuteness a performance enhancing substance?

If it is, Fleur and Snowy could be in trouble! Watch them make Olympic history with the first ever, Pair and a Half Figure Skating Event!

I’m pretty sure France is going home with the gold medal for this event!*

*This has nothing to do with the fact they are the only skaters in this event.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

The 2022 Pand-O-Lympics Begins!!!!

The 2022 Olympics in Beijing are going to be wrapping up later this week, but the Pand-O-Lympics have just begun!

Let’s see how Pinky is doing being the team coach and manager!

Can you say “Biscuit on a Bobsled???”

And how about Mommee Mei’s snow boots?

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

I think we need some more…

Vintage Panda Olympics!

Baaaa Baaa Ba Ba Ba Baaaa Baa Ba ba ba baaa Ba ba ba bubbuabuh ba BAAAAAAHHHH! (that was the Olympic theme song, if you missed it!)

This cartoon is one of Bob’s earliest appearances!
The Pandas first attempt at Olympic Glory!
‘and for the record, it’s just “giant slalom.” It’s not just for pandas.’
Pandas using performance enhancing substances? Say it isn’t so!
Going for the …um…chocolate chip.

I’m hoping to have some new Panda-O-Lympic ‘toons for you this week! We shall see, won’t we?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda