Author Archives: Panda in Chief

About Panda in Chief

Anne Belov paints, writes, makes prints, and is the founder of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire. You can find her paintings at the Rob Schouten Gallery and Fountainhead Gallery, her cartoons on The Panda Chronicles, and her new book here. She also writes regularly for The Whidbey Life Magazine, a free journal of art and culture on Whidbey Island. Her main regret in life is that there is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire.

Let’s give a cheer for Team Panda!

The 2022 Olympic Games have begun, so while Team Panda ties their skate laces, finds their way to the ski slopes and loads up the front of their Bob-sled..oops…I mean bribe the judges…um…that wasn’t us…

So let’s take a look at the panda performances in past Olympic competitions…

Is that the twins I see before me? Don’t tell Lun Lun
another boring rerun
Did the Torch Bears take a wrong turn????
torch bears, money, selling olympic torch
but now what will they do when they get to the Olympics?…..stay tuned!
Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of this story!
Oh, those Torch bears!
Hey! watch where you put that torch!

We’ll be back next Sunday with more highlights from the past panda olympics! Stay ‘Tooned!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

I was Powerless to Resist

I tried to ignore those enigmatic tweets, full of little black, yellow, and green boxes in up to 6 rows of 5. On further investigation, I was still clueless, because, well, Wordle has no clues!

Eventually I figured it out and now I am hooked. Lucky for me, they only let you play one game per day, and everyone gets the same word. The new days’ word drops right at midnight in your time zone. Out of 7 games so far, I have figured out all 7. My best is figuring it out in 3 rows, which I have done 3 times!

I’m not sure how Pinky’s game will work out. I think Mommee Mei might protest the paywall…

Play on!
Bob T Panda

I Really Could Not Make This Up

I rely on my astute readers to alert me to important stories and this one is one of those stories. I mean, if I had made it up, y’all would be doing some serious eye rolling and questioning whether I had lost it.

At a school board meeting in Midland Michigan, a parent complained that she did not think the school should be encouraging students who think they are cats, by putting litter boxes in the (unisex) restrooms. A GOP state legislator posted her outrage on her Facebook page. The school principal was not amused. You can read the story here:

At least they put them in the unisex restrooms so that ANY cat could use them!

In other NooZ, we are VERY excited that the White House has finally fulfilled their most important campaign promise, which is, of course, to put a cat on the payroll! As to that other campaign promise, if you read my Twidder threads, you already know what I think. Oh wait… I can’t keep my mouth shut, which will not go well if the fascists take over. Personally, I think the GOP is afraid that by putting an intelligent, accomplished, COMPETENT, and experienced Black woman on the SCOTUS, she will show how unqualified all of TFG’s appointments are, not to mention the Representatives and Senators that are wetting their pants over the very idea.

And speaking of fascists between the book banning (can burning be far behind?), the nazi rallies, and the completely unreasonable demands on teachers, I am trying really hard to hold on to hope. Boy do I need a nap!

Keep being the Bear (while we can! No litter box for YOU!!!)
Bob T Panda

The Year in Review Part Whatever

Yes, yes, yes, we are still in our Year in Review, but first, some ground shaking news from The White House:

There is now a cat living in The White House once again!!!!

I know Mehitabel is already making plans to have Willow here for an interview with ZooNooZ. I’m sure she is very busy getting settled in, as is to be expected! We will have her here as soon as possible. After all, there are the Lunar New Year’s celebrations as well as the Panda-O-Lympics to get through!

And now, on with the Year in Review, continued!

July 2021

Frank and Mikey’s trip home continued…
…and ended

Meanwhile, events at the Panda House are still a little…um…weird.

Here come’s trouble!

On to August! Bebe Maurice gets to work on the family portrait!

Will Mister Poppee return for Bikkie’s first Birthday?

That would be a yes!

There will be another Year in Review post to come. And some other things happening during the week, don’t ask me what!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Did Someone Say “Fraud on a Government Document?”

I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen to me if, for instance, I made up an important government document, signed my name to it, then turned it in to the National Archives. I mean, what if I said that the Presidential electors in Washington state all voted for Princess Pinky? Do you think I’d still be walking around free and easy?

I think not!

Then again, pandas can pretty much get away with anything!

Bikkie still has a lot to learn!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The Year in Review continues; Also Felty NooZ!

Let’s see what May and June brought to the Panda Chronicles…

May 2021: Pinky’s dream of the future continues!

This isn’t a dream…it’s a nightmare!

On to June and…Frank and Mikey go on an adventure!

I love nature stories, don’t you?

So, as neither the pandemic or the ongoing attempt to Make Fascism Great again seems to be over, I’ve been continuing work in the felty studio! Of course I have to make felty versions of Fleur and Snowy, our newest French pandas!

Fleur and Snowy: the pair $88 + shipping, $99 with their own Monsieur Bun!

But I’ve also been making cats! I still need to take some photos of them, but when I do I’ll post them here. I’m thinking of doing a special thing in February, to honor Betty white and all the work she did in support of animals. I’ll let you know more about it soon, when I take photos of all the little cats.

Till then, here’s a contact form if you want to order Snowy and Fleur! (or any other pandas!) I’ll reply via email and send you a square invoice for your pandas.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Fleur and Snowy make their Deboo Appearance!

I was going to write a longish post today, but the wind is whipping the trees around and just in case the power goes out, I better get today’s ‘toon posted!

Welcome to the Pandas of France!

I will have to wait until Sunday to post the Fleur and Snowy Felties!

Keep your fingers crossed that the power doesn’t go out. I’ve already ground coffee!

Bikkie’s Snow Day Part 2

Bikkie was having so much fun on the slopes that he decided to play some more. Mei *might* have taken the opportunity to put her paws up and have a quiet bootini… or maybe not!

What could be more fun than watching pandas play in the snow?

Till next time…oh that clever Mikey!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda