Anne Belov paints, writes, makes prints, and is the founder of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire. You can find her paintings at the Rob Schouten Gallery and Fountainhead Gallery, her cartoons on The Panda Chronicles, and her new book here. She also writes regularly for The Whidbey Life Magazine, a free journal of art and culture on Whidbey Island. Her main regret in life is that there is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire.
As if we didn’t already know that that Biscuit Xiao Qi Ji was not the most brilliant panda cubby there is, he proved in during the recent snowfall at the panda house.
I have often discussed my abiding adoration of the Bear of Little Brain (and no, I’m NOT talking about Bob!) so it was with great excitement and anticipation that I read that Winnie the Pooh had entered the public domain this year.
This means that anyone can include Pooh Bear and his friends, and representations thereof, in their own creative works! This only applies to the original A.A. Milne/ Earnest H. Shepard version, which is fine, since I have always considered the Big Mouse World version as a crime against art. My first introduction to the World of Pooh Bear was via the original (and far superior) black and white drawings. I still think they are what made me want to be an artist, and maybe led me to making stories with pandas.
Of course, there must be a commemorative ‘toon for the occasion!
We’ll have to wait a few more years for Tigger, as he first appears in the 1928 House at Pooh Corner, which is not yet in the public domain!
What a year, huh? While like 2020, we would really rather forget 2021, it is good to look back and acknowledge so that maybe we won’t do the same the things again. Mebbee. Anyway, looking back at the ‘toons of each month is always a good way to remember the year, rather than looking at the actual news, which is kind of depressing.
So…let’s start with January!
well…THIS happened…Mittens has left the building.
Annnnnnd on to February !
I think we’ve seen enough of Mittens to last us a lifetime, so let’s declare 2021 the Year of Bikkie! (and his Beary good friend Mr, Poppee!)
Ebbryone needs a Beary Poppins!
Remember Pinky’s “Workout wif Bikkie” Videos?
See, Mommee! No tigers!Bikkie is a Beary deep thinker!
Well, that’s it for January and February 2021 Year in Review! Join us next Sunday when we look back on March and April of 2021!
New ‘toons coming this week! I think mebbee Bikkie’s snow day and something something something else!
There wasn’t anything important happening today, was there?
I definitely considered not posting anything today, being the day that democracy almost went down the golden toilet, but then I decided we needed a little humor along with remembering that day, one year ago, it could have ended up a whole lot worse.
At this point, it is good to remember that the Republican Party didn’t think that shooting and killing 20 school children and their teachers was a sufficient reason to institute any kind of gun control, so why would we think that if members of Congress had been killed, that the GQP would have had any qualms about about tossing democracy in the dumpster.
I watched the commemoration of the anniversary as I worked today. Combined with the new information that has been released and what I watched in real time, it is clear that we came this ][ close to living under a vindictive dictator.
As I watch the GQP attempt to dismantle democracy, defund public libraries, constrain what teachers can teach their students, dismantle women’s reproductive rights, and deny a global pandemic, not to mention TFG’s role in allowing it to rage out of control and causing the deaths of almost a million Americans, I have to wonder what they think they will ultimately gain.
One thing you learn living on an island, is that everything is connected and we are all dependent on each other. Every once in a while I think about what would happen if the ferries stopped running and the bridge went down. within a week (probably less) we’d be out of gas, grocery store shelves would be stripped clean, and once the first wind storm hit, we’d lose electric power and we’d would descend into anarchy. The mainland could probably survive for about 2 weeks till it all went to shit.
Well…that took a dark turn…
What do you say we cut the first rant of the year short and get to the new ‘toon?
Nixon’s Ghost has some feelings
I promise we’ll have more fun here at The Panda Chronicles this year. Just maybe not today!
Funny thing.. I had already done the new ‘toon and then set up Sunday’s encore presentations of previous presentations of Pinky’s resolutions. I guess there was a reason this year’s ‘toon almost wrote itself…
2022 resolutions:
It’s deJa vu all over again!
For comparison, here is the 2021 version!
It was either this or a double semi-tractor trailer!
Maybe Mommee uploaded this year’s resolutions to last year’s iPand mini!
Keeping my pseudo thumbs crossed that 2022 is a much better year for all of us!
Time for the presentation of resolutions to Princess Pinky!
Every year, Mommee Mei shares a list of resolutions for Pinky (Bubba only gets one: chew your food). While we wait for this year’s list, let’s look back on the resolutions she has “shared” with Pinky in years past!
But first, Pinky “helps” the panda kindergarten with their resolutions!
You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….Once again proving the intransigence of Pinky, and the omnipotence of Mommy MeiPinky: “rules are for other pandas.”Bubba: my resolution was just to chew my food more, an’ mebbee not eat so much frosting.
Ping: ping!You would think Pinky would already have improved her behavior by now…It was either this or a double semi-tractor trailer!
How will Mommee deliver Pinky’s resolutions this year? ‘Toon in on Tuesday to find out!
We thought this would be a better year than 2020…ha ha…joke’s on us! Sigh…we did get the vaccine, but thanks to certain people who were all in on “personal bodily autonomy” (for this, anyway) who yelled (often right in people’s faces) “MY FREEDUMB!!!!” we have had to cope with ever more contagious and more deadly mutations of the virus. Probably the next one will spread just by reading about it on the inter webs.
But here we are. We have (hopefully) survived (this far). We will be back in the new year with more panda satire and more pandas to introduce. Bebe Maurice’s tiny sisters Fleur and Snowy will be making their debut in these pages. We will have our annual Year in Review where we look back at the ‘toons of last year. It’s always very interesting (to me, anyway) to see what ‘toons leap out at me as the most consequential or interesting or funny.
There is another Olympics for the pandas to compete in. They kind of missed this year’s Olympics, not really remembering that it was happening at all. But this is the Winter Olympics, and those are the Olympics that pandas like best!
The New Year is the Year of the Tiger, and Pinky is ready for it! Don’t tell Mommee, okay? Pinky has an upcoming campaign to start raising money for, so fire up the selfies with tigers! Really, don’t tell Mommee about this!
And now, let’s see what New Year’s Eve has in store for us at the Panda House…
And because it is still one of my favorite New Year’s Eve ‘toons…
The panda kindergarten at their best…or is that worst?
Oh my! We are winding our way down to the end of the year, so let’s get right back to…
The Bears of the Baskervilles!
If you missed Monday and Tuesday’s recaps, just scroll back through the ‘toons, so you’ll be all caught up!
Bikkie is ready for his close up!!!
I just knew they were going to show up!
Tomorrow we have 3 BRAND NEW EPISODES IN ONE DAY!!! Can you stand the excitement?
Hard to believe we are almost all the way through 31 Days of Pandas! As we look back on 2021 (must we?) and get ready for 2022 (must we really?) I want to share my gratitude, for all of you who read these ‘toons and have embraced panda satire! (especially when we’d much rather embrace a baby panda!)
Tomorrow we bring our tale of Bears of the Baskervilles to a close as we get ready to launch into the new year.