Author Archives: Panda in Chief

About Panda in Chief

Anne Belov paints, writes, makes prints, and is the founder of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire. You can find her paintings at the Rob Schouten Gallery and Fountainhead Gallery, her cartoons on The Panda Chronicles, and her new book here. She also writes regularly for The Whidbey Life Magazine, a free journal of art and culture on Whidbey Island. Her main regret in life is that there is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire.

Day 18 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Who could forget Mei Xiang’s Nightmare Before Crispmoss?

The kids are fraying Mei Xiang’s last nerve…
The nightmare begins…

Oh my! What is going to happen next?????

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Day 17 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Wee can hardly stand the wait…

How about that! Pinky DID save the day!
Happy New Year’s Eve!

We hope you enjoyed this Encore Presentation of 101 Bebe Panda-Nations! It is our privilege to share these ‘toons from the archives. A reminder that your purchase of books helps to keep us in ink and paper and hosting fees. (see the books page in the header) Felty pandas are still available as well, although my page crashed, so I had to remove it. Feel free to request images of currently available felties via email through the contact us page. I’ve been working on cats, but definitely NOT Mittens.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

We are just over HALFWAY through 31 Days of Pandas so be sure to stay ‘tooned for more panda fun through the rest of the month, including the complete (we hope) Bears of the Baskervilles & the 12 Days of CrispMoss, as well as another story or two!

Day 16 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Will Pinky and the Meihems and Mr Wu and…oh yeah…Inspector Panda arrive in time to save all the Bebe pandas?

Cue the scary music!!!!
Will Pinky save the day?

Pinky to the rescue!

‘Toon in tomorrow for the exciting conclusion!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Day 15 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

What evil plan does Babette have for all the baby pandas? and can Inspector Panda save them all?

Inspector Panda has arrived! He’ll…um…solve everything!
Where is Babette taking them?

The tension is too much to BEAR!!!! (or mebbee panda)

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Day 14 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Isn’t it cute how sweet Six and Sebben were back then?

When trouble arrives, it’s time to call for some MEIHEM!!!!!
This may be a job for…Inspector Panda!!!!

Inspector Panda to the rescue!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Day 13 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

We thought we told you not to open the door, Pinky!

Babette can talk anyone into anything.
Uh oh.

What could possibly go wrong?????

See ya tomorrow!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Day 12 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

It’s time for that beloved Holiday Classic, 101 Bebe Pandas!!!!

Rumor has it we are in line for yet another wind storm with probable power outages. To prepare, I have eaten all the ice cream (waste not, want not), made some more ice blocks to keep things in the fridge cold, and now am trying to get a few posts scheduled so that YOU don’t miss a single Day of Pandas! (aren’t I fabulous?) I would go by the hardware store to stock up on more batteries and maybe get a few more battery powered lights, but I’m guessing the shelves have already been cleared. Oh well.

Anyway, here are the first 2 episodes of our story!

Wait…who did you say is the star?
How many times do we have to tell you, DON’T ANSWER THE DOOR!!!!!

AS IF!!!!!

‘Toon in tomorrow as our story continues!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Day 11 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Seasonal Drinks

Those who know some of my history know that in the mid to late 1980’s I worked for Starbucks Coffee, when it it was just a local Seattle coffee emporium, before some guy named Howard got his hands on it and um…made it what it is today. (You can interpret that any way you’d like).

I’ve been amused/annoyed/encouraged to read of the unionizing efforts of some of the retail Starbucks stores in the Buffalo NY area. Encouraged, because I think that workers demanding a fair workplace with livable wages is a good thing and I’m glad to know that these workers are standing up for their rights.

Amused, because I know it is probably driving Howard batshit to have workers puncturing his carefully crafted image of himself as the benevolent corporate overlord, and (failed) presidential candidate.

And annoyed, because the organizers and the reporters keep referring to this as the first attempt at unionization at Starbucks.


Somewhere around 1986 or ’87, the actual first union at Starbucks organized and was formed, starting at the roasting plant and then including the Seattle stores. It was not easy. We had great assistance from UFCW local 1001 in the persons of Jerry Patterson, Janet Boyd, Dave Schmidt, and Pam Blauman. I still consider them friends today. (Dave died this year from cancer and the world is a poorer place without him) They helped us navigate the treacherous waters that Starbucks flung in our path.

We had just (finally) negotiated our first contract when Howard bought out the company. He immediately dragged us back to the bargaining table to negotiate a new contract, despite telling us he wouldn’t do that, before the sale of the company. It got so nasty, that I left a few months later, as soon as the new contract was done. It was probably the best thing that ever happened to me, so, um…thanks?

Note: the union only lasted a few years at the roasting plant, and less at the stores, but we were the first union there. Just so ya know!

Anyway, my experience there has inspired several ‘toons, including this one!

whipped cream
Can I have EXTRA extra whipped cream?

Don’t forget to ask for extra whippy cream!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Day 10 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

It’s a WUnderful Life: the finale!

We hope you are enjoying this encore presentation of It’s a WUnderful Life! This story (and many other stories about Mr. Wu) can be found in Book 4 of the panda Chronicles: The Book of Wu!

I’m pretty sure something is coming up next, I have to find my list where I actually figured out what I had planned. Good thong I posted yesterday and today’s ‘toons ahead, since we had (yet another) power outage that lasted all day. Weather can be so tedious!

But now, on with the show!

It's a Wonderful Life, parody
Yay! The heartwarming schmoopy ending!
it's a wonderful life parody
A bear and his mom…together forever?

I’m sure I’ll come up with something for tomorrow!

Till then,
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Day 9 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Mom, don’t you know Wu?

It's a Wonderful Life parody
Repeat after me, “It’s a story” ‘kay?
It's a Wonderful Life, parody
Everytime a bell rings, a panda gets a cuppycake.

Every time a bell rings, a panda gets a cuppycake!
Be sure to ‘Toon in tomorrow for the dramatic conclusion of this Holiday Classic!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda