Author Archives: Panda in Chief

About Panda in Chief

Anne Belov paints, writes, makes prints, and is the founder of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire. You can find her paintings at the Rob Schouten Gallery and Fountainhead Gallery, her cartoons on The Panda Chronicles, and her new book here. She also writes regularly for The Whidbey Life Magazine, a free journal of art and culture on Whidbey Island. Her main regret in life is that there is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire.

It’s almost time for 31 Days of Pandas!

That’s why everyone likes December, am I right? Daylight losing time means by the 21st it will be getting dark by 3:30, and the depths of darkness by 4. Sigh… at least after the Solstice, the days will start increasing in length! Huzzah!

While we wait for the pandas to prepare, here’s another story taking place in the Panda House! (With a little panda who may be there or not!)

Here come’s trouble!

I bet you want to see the finished Pawrtrait

Time to start getting ready for 31 Days of Pandas!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

There is Much to be Thankful For…

I know it’s kind of a cliche to suddenly remember, once a year, that I am grateful for a bunch of stuff, but this being my Birthday Season, and several other minor holidays (ha ha!) that hype thankfulness and gratitude, I must admit that there are things I am grateful for, despite all the traumas of the last 5 years.

Of course 2020 was the worst.

I think I am still suffering from the extreme trauma of TFG’s final (we hope) year in office, with a global pandemic that said former guy used to try to punish his enemies and do a little extra grifting at the same time.


First, I am grateful that most of my friends and panda community have stayed safe through all of this. There were some casualties but in the scheme of things, compared to much of the country, my personal world was not destroyed. It was rocked though, (and not in a good way) and I miss seeing my far flung circle of friends in person.

I am grateful for the daily text check-ins with the Traveling Panda Sisterhood, without which I might have lost my mind. I mean more than usual.

I am grateful that I found needle felting. It was a small miracle that I got to repeatedly stab things without getting arrested. (Note the the FBI: I am referring to making wool animals from wool fiber, so please do not show up on my porch to question me.)

I am grateful to all of you who have decided they couldn’t live without little felt pandas and subsidized my wool purchase.

I am grateful to my writer friends who encourage me on this path and that my agents haven’t fired me.

I am grateful to the galleries and other venues that continue to show and sell my paintings, and keep a roof over my head, and remind me that my 7 years of art school and decades of continuing to put paint on paper and canvas were not wasted effort.

I am grateful to all of you who continue to read my ‘toons, buy my books, and tell me that I am, in fact, funny.

I am grateful for pandas, who provide inspiration every day. I would be REALLY grateful if I could hold a tiny baby panda someday, but I may have to be content with watching videos of panda nannies dandling tiny pandas on their laps, and know that they love their little, fluffy, chubby charges.

I am grateful for so many things

Please say it isn’t so!!!!!

Hey! it’s almost time to get ready for 31 Days of Pandas!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

And Now, a Word From Our Sponsor!

Didn’t you always hate it, when you’re watching a movie and the first little bit, there are almost no commercials, and then the longer you watch, the less time there is between commercials?

Well, I’m pretty sure we only have one sponsor, so there might be only one commercial. Mebbe. I was watching some YouTube videos the other day and they kept playing these ads for Keepsake Ornaments and I thought they would make a pretty good sponsor for The Bears of the Baskervilles!

Just call 1-800-Buy-Pinky to get yours!


Hey, I almost forgot to tell you that PDXWildlife is having their annual auction again, and I donated another felty and some pins and other things that were floating around the studio! Check out the auction until November 28th! Pandas are standing by to take your calls!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s Sunday Not That Much Fun Day!

One of the things I love about the panda community and the panda satire community is that they are a justice and equality minded bunch, for the most part. (maybe totally: anyone that supported Mittens is probably long gone by now.) In this season of gratitude, I am filled with thankfulness for your friendship and support.

Soon 31 Days of Pandas will be upon us!

I have so many holiday theme stories to fill the month we should have lots of panda entertainment every day(Culminating, of course, with the 12 days of Crispmoss!) I am continuing with episodes of Bears of the Baskervilles, with a new episode coming this week. But rather than have the confusion of interspersing the encore presentations of other holiday tales with new episodes of B.o.t.B (which sort of spells “Bob”) (sort of) I think I will keep writing and drawing new episodes and save them until they are all done, and then replay the entire series, along with the new episodes over several days, which will give you a chance to catch up in case you missed any!

But now, let’s have a bit of some Sunday Fun with some encore presentations!

Frank is so wise!

Try to have a good week!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

What? Did You Say You Want More Muppets?

Did you say you thought that right wing TV “News” show hosts were complete fools, picking a fight with Miss Piggy?

I thought that’s what you said!

You would think they would know better than to pick a fight with Miss Piggy!

Back to our regularly scheduled story next week!

Be the bear, and stay safe out there!
Bob T I-really-think-I-am-a-Muppet Panda

Oh how the wind did blow!

As you probably noticed, the Tuesday ‘toon was not only late, but totally missing in action. We had some wild wind, starting Sunday night and continuing on through Monday evening.

I expected the power to go out sometime Sunday night, so was pleasantly surprised to still have electricity on Monday morning. LOTS of time to finish ‘Tuesday’s ‘toon …hahahaha!

Not so much…

Life on Whidbey is full of power outages, although these days they are mostly not as long or as frequent as they used to be. But all the rain and then high winds took many trees down where they landed on wires. This wind was one of the more fearsome ones we’ve had in a while, and while branches bounced off the roof, no trees fell on my house or driveway. Okay, so there was one that missed my house by about 15 feet and took out some big rhododendrons…

But here I am talking about me, while you are waiting for your ‘toon!

Who doesn’t like making fun of Ted Cruz?

Did I mention how much I love the Muppets?

What I really want to know, is did Ted Cruz’s daughters get mad at him for attacking Big Bird?

And remember! The good thing about me being late is that there will be a new ‘toon tomorrow too!

Be the Bear!
Bob T stay-out-of-trees-in-a-wind-storm Panda

Let’s Talk About Muppets

I almost called this “Let’s talk About Ted” but who wants to give Ted that much air? Not me! Ted’s latest desperate grab for attention has him attacking that dastardly criminal mastermind…yes, THAT criminal mastermind! I am, of course, talking about Big Bird. I guess Ted is still trying to get people to forget that when Texas had an unprecedented winter storm and power crisis, he took his family to a fancy resort in Mexico, while some Texans froze to death. Or maybe this is to distract us from the work of the January 6th select committee and any testimony he might be compelled to give?

So let’s talk about Muppets instead!

Fun fact about me: When Sesame Street hit the TV airwaves, I was out of their intended age demographic, but I was totally enchanted. What a great way to encourage kids to learn: adorable fuzzy puppets, teaching both math and inclusion gently and cleverly. Heck, I wanted to count along with the Count!

I was so enchanted that it became a dream to go work at Henson’s Muppet studio,

I wanted to dream up and create these imaginative puppets (and definitely playing with them and making up their voices and personalities.)

I never got to do that. I wasn’t encouraged to chase after my impractical dreams. I was supposed to be sensible and marry a dentist. I avoided the dentist, and managed to shut out the can’ts and shoulds and become an artist. And if my felty pandas are at least slightly reminiscent of Muppets, well, that is just destiny fulfilling itself.

But meanwhile, back to Ted…

Ted thinks it’s a good idea to compare Big Bird’s excitement at getting his covid vaccine to communist indoctrination of children! In the usual way of GOP politicians trying to play gotcha and shame an imaginary character for promoting things that actually benefit people, the Twitter account for Big Bird for Senate @SenatorBigBird now is approaching 110K followers.(see also Devin Nunes’ Cow) Using gentle humor to point out Ted’s crimes and misdemeanors, he has shown the tiny hearted pettiness that Ted displays to his constituents. Gotcha!

Big Bird has assembled a formidable campaign team, including Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Bert, Elmo, and of course The Count! Is it only a matter of time before Kermit and Miss Piggy sign on? Real politicians are endorsing him, taking this opportunity to bring up real issues that affect Texas residents, in a way that pokes gentle fun at Ted. Somehow, I can’t imagine that Ted is amused. Does anyone think that his daughters have Big Bird for Senate posters in their rooms? Does anyone think they should send them one?

When will the GOP learn that you can’t defend Mr. Potato Head from emasculation on one hand, and then denounce Big Bird as a communist plant on the other? Are they trying to distract us from their actual crimes with their blatant buffoonery?

But meanwhile, we have a few ‘toons to share!

When you can’t make fun of politics via panda satire, the terrorists have won

I think we have a lot of “Underbussing” to look forward to in the coming months!

Our favorite grizzlies are doing “The Bus”!
“crime” is not a verb
Send in the bears!
Helloooooo bears!
I like bears.

I thought some people might like to be reminded of the introduction of Frank and Mikey!

Well, that wraps it up for this week! Let’s hope justice will be done!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

Episode 7 is Sure to Be a Big Hit!

I really think Bikkie will steal the show with today’s episode!

What do you think?

Dese are a few of my favorite fings…

Hee hee! I could not resist! Everybody sing along!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

A quick note: The PDX Wildlife auction starts on Sunday, the 14th (I think) I’ll post a link in Sunday’s post!

Our Story Continues!

Why does Daylight Losing time make me so sleepy? Here’s the next episode while I take a nap! Okay. While I take another nap.

Let the singing and dancing begin!

Everybody sing!

The hills are alive!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

It’s that time of year again!

Yes, we are heading into Daylight Losing Time again, and you knows what that means!

Bob explains daylight savings time to the panda kindergarten
spring back, fall forward?

As you know, my birthday season has started! One of my early memories is how all the other cubs got parties for their birthdays, but because my birthday fell in the beginning of other holiday seasons. somehow I never did. This obviously had long lasting repercussions in the instituting of the Birthday Season!

Remember, your Birthday Season lasts one day for each year old you are! Hey, I don’t make the rules here!…(oh…wait a minute…yes I do!)

Let’s have some CAKE!!!!

yoga for pandas
All salute the sacred cuppycake!
let there be cake!
If it’s my birthdaycseason, there must be cake!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda