Anne Belov paints, writes, makes prints, and is the founder of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire. You can find her paintings at the Rob Schouten Gallery and Fountainhead Gallery, her cartoons on The Panda Chronicles, and her new book here. She also writes regularly for The Whidbey Life Magazine, a free journal of art and culture on Whidbey Island. Her main regret in life is that there is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire.
My new book, The Panda Chronicles Book 9: What Could Possibly Go WRONG! is now under review, and I hope that it will be available later this week! This is exciting news, indeed!
But now, let’s stop in to the Panda House and see what’s happening…
Mommee Mei is stonewalling Mikey’s questions about you know who!
You can be sure I’ll let you know the instant the new book is available! Stay ‘tooned! And don’t forget to check out The Wizard of Wu, parts of which have run the last two Sundays. More to come this Sunday next!
When we left Mr. Wu and Binky, they opened the door on a strange new landscape, far away from Panda Canyon!
Don’t I know you from somewhere?Mehitabel would like to register her protest about given the least sympathetic role in this adventure.Okay, now it’s getting exciting! Scary parts dead ahead!I have a bad feeling about this….Are you SURE there will be no flying monkeys?That cat is pure evil!Sorry, no photo bomb from princess Pinky. her mother thought todays cartoon was too scary for herWho would have thought cuppycakes could be enchanted?Stay tuned later this month for the outtakes and blooper reel!
Be sure to ‘Toon in next Sunday for the next installment of …The Wizard of Wu!!!!
While there has been some well deserved criticism on how some journalists cover the various presidential administrations, ZooNooZ has always been right on the money, if we do say so ourselves. We should point out that this segment was filmed BEFORE Bob went out on assignment to interview the zealot zeal of zebras that is currently running amok in suburban Maryland. Just in case you were thinking that Bob escaped unscathed. There was definitely scathing.
But meanwhile…
How can we miss you if you won’t go away?
We are impatiently waiting for the proofs of The Panda Chronicles Book9: What could Possibly go Wrong? to arrive! We will announce it the minute it is available for purchase. Pretty exciting, huh?
And as if I didn’t have enough to do, I volunteered to make some ‘toons in support of a local school board race. I don’t think I have to tell any of the followers of The Panda Chronicles that our political nightmare is not yet over. Even now, the sedition caucus in the Senate was trying to downplay the level of threats and aggression (and sometimes violence) that is happening at school board meetings around the country. I’ll be sharing the ‘toons from the Politics on the Prowl series after they have run in whatever format the campaign uses to share them.
I urge you not to put your head under the covers and sing la-la-la I can’t hear you, as much as we may want to. Please check your voter registration at your state voter portal, spend 10 minutes reading up on the candidates and VOTE this November (or as soon as you receive your mail in ballot.)
I found several names, the first being a dazzle, but I also found they can be called a zeal! I love alliterations, so a zeal of zebras hits me just right!
A group of pandas, of course, is an embarrassment. No, I mean that’s what a group of pandas is called. I mean, pandas can be embarrassing! I mean have you seem them eat? Before you know it, their tummies are covered in bamboo pieces, or cookie crumbs, or frosting…
Some Pandas are embarrassing even when they’re NOT in a group!
We have a zeal for zebras!!!
Read on for some exciting NOOZ!!!!
Yeas! It’s true! Book 9 of the Panda Chronicles is right around the corner!!! I’ve been working on it, procrastinating, working a bit more, some more procrastination, interspersed with some new technology frustration, but it is finally DONE!!!!
Proofs have been ordered, and should arrive by early next week, so as soon as I make sure they put in the pages in the right order and right directions, I can push the old publish button, and BOB’S YOUR UNCLE!!!
And now, a little cover reveal, just for you to see first!
Fat Bear Week continues, but even more importantly, It’s OctoBEAR and that means Halloweenie! And as I previously mentioned, that means for the next couple of Sunday’s we will be having our annual special encore presentation of The Wizard of Wu!
So let’s get started, shall we?
The Wizard of Wu Part 1We’re in for it now, Binky!Hang on to your hats, kids, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!I don’t think we’re in Pandiego any more, Binky….What could be waiting outside? Where the heck ARE we, Binky?
Toon in next week for the next installment of The Wizard of Wu!
Be the Bear! Bob T Panda
A Reminder for the Holiday Season
USPS has made plans to slow down deliveries…why? Because they can, also Louie De, so if you are planning to order pandas for the holidays, order early, so they can actually get to you on time. After last years debacle (at least one priority mail package mailed on December 7 did not arrive until January 10th-ish.) I would rather not mail any packages after December 1st. Right now I have a fairly relaxed production schedule, so unless it’s a big order, I can still get pandas done in a week or so.
It’s Fat Bear Week up in Alaska! Grizzlies gather to galumph through streams, as salmon jump directly into their mouths. Just like in college basketball, there are charts showing which bears are in the running (I’m not sure how the competing teams are decided…different stream? I’ll have to do more research.)
There are rumors that even though they are not on the official match ups, Frank and Mikey are planning on a surprise late entry! Other rumors of banned performance enhancing substances to promote unfair advantages, have been leveled against Frank and Mikey, which could explain why they are not in the official line up.
Also, Mikey has let it be known that he doesn’t like fish.
Mikey: Bears like donuts, okay? I like donuts. Bears like donuts. Did I have too many donuts sometimes? You mean, was I cool? Heck yes I was cool. So MAYBE I had too many donuts once in a while.
Mei Xiang tries to change the subject
This would be a good time to order your own Frank and Mikey!
I must sadly tell you that ONCE AGAIN I was not awarded a MacArthur Foundation Genius Grant for Panda Satire. Announcement day has left me a sad panda (but you get to see my favorite cartoon!)
In 10 Years There Has Not Been One Grant Awarded in Panda Satire!!!!
Why IS there no MacArthur Fellowship for Panda Satire, anyway?
Also, today is National Voter Registration Day. If you are not registered to vote, what are you waiting for? By not using your voice, you allow others to speak for you and you might not like what they’re saying. Please register and please vote. Even in little pesky local elections like school board! You might not think those are important, but we are finding out that they are. Even here on (mostly) true blue South Whidbey, there is an ongoing attempt to replace smart, caring school board members with anti-vaxxing, anti-equality right wing authoritarians.
I’m gonna be voting, I’m going to remind my friends to vote. Don’t let Mittens rule from the rear!
We are in the tail end of September (How the heck did THAT happen????) which means that it’s almost October, and you know what that means! It’s almost time for our annual rebroadcast of The Wizard of Wu!!! Once upon a time, a long looooong time ago (when there were only 3 major networks to choose from!!!!) The Wizard of Oz was rebroadcast every year right around Halloween.
This was so long ago, that when I first started watching this movie, we only had a black and white TV, so even when they got to Oz, it was still all in black and white. Eventually we got a color TV and I was so excited to watch the annual encore presentation of The Wizard of Oz, because IT WAS GOING TO BE IN LIVING COLOR!!!! Imagine my surprise, when the first and last part WERE STILL IN BLACK AND WHITE!?!?!?!?!?!?!
WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K!!!!!!?????
I guess only Oz gets to be in color. Any of you who live in Kansas…is it still that way?
No matter…we just need to kill a little time until next Sunday when The Wizard of Wu will come to you in several parts, followed by A Halloween Carol (starring PINKY!!!!)
Let’s see what comes up from the archive wayback machine for today!
Will Bob ever learn NOT to turn his back on the panda kindergarten? No, we didn’t think so, either.I have extra frosting!another cartoon inspired by real news!Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this storyInspector Panda says, “Know the signs of cuppycake dependency”Legalize cake today! Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.All salute the sacred cuppycake!
A quick note about Fezbook: as you all know, on Fezbook, I am Bob T Panda, a claim I can not actually substantiate with any actual documentation. Should the powers that be ever find me out, or if I lose my account to some foul hacker, I will not be able to get my account back without revealing my true identity. I do not want to do this, since the powers that be have proved themselves to be soulless cretins who sell our private data to the highest bidder and allow actual trumpsters and fascists to spread misinformation and hateful rhetoric. If I should lose my account, I will not go back. You can always find me here or over on Twidder @pandachronicle