We are definitely winding this fractured fairy tale down! And if you notice a resemblance in some of our players to characters that exited the story earlier, let’s just say that we have a limited number of pandas to play all the parts, so we make due where we can!
Now…On with our story!

Methinks mebbee the Queen knows something, perhaps…
Meanwhile out in the real world, shit is getting cray cray! Will there be consequences for Mittens and VD Vandal (soon to be played here by a weasel!) for the bad things that they are getting up to in Ohio? Sounds like some of the citizens of Springfield have filed a criminal complaint against them for telling lies to incite violence.
ZooNooZ may have an exclusive interview with a central character in the drama, coming on Thursday. Mum’s the word!
Till then…
Be the Bear
Bob T there will be consequences Panda