Hm…this dream is not getting any better!
Won’t someone wake Pinky up soon?

This dream is NOT going the way Pinky wanted it to!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Hm…this dream is not getting any better!
This dream is NOT going the way Pinky wanted it to!
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Please, no!! it’s a nightmare. My poor princess outside, unable to enter … I find it very cruel. Oh Pinky wake up, plz.
Oh, Bob T, It seems to me that in almost all the long stories you publish there is a kind of punishment for Pinky. Her fans just want her happiness; and that she gets to dominate the world, of course.
#Adorable #Unresisdabel
Now, now…you know Pinky always triumphs over adversity! Never fear, Pinky will come out of this on top and wake up from this dream! Without adversity and conflict, there is no story. A wise writer once said in a workshop on dramatic tension, “Chase your protagonist up a tree. Now set the tree on fire.” Pinky ALWAYS survives! Never forget that. She will wake up…um…soon!
Pinky’s face in the window, in the last frame, breaks my heart. Certainly, without conflict there is no story, but this causes us some ‘anguish’ to the fans of Pinky.
All ’bout Pinky all da time!!
#LovingPinky #PinkyRules
Pinky: I appreciate da devotion of my fans. I will be okay. dis just gives me da chance to be beary dramatic. NEXT year I’m gonna win a Oscar! or mebbee just da panda of da year award!