Meanwhile, back in the Panda House, Mei is trying to juggle room assignments, head off fights between Six and Sebben and well, anyone else there, and keep Josie happy while keeping Frank and Mikey out of her way. Whew! I’d say she has her paws full.

Hold onto your boo shoots. I think this summer is going to get crazy between indictments and panda room assignments.
Be the Bear!
Bob T never been indicted Panda
Excuse me, but where is Tian? Why isn’t he helping his poor wife? Or why hasn’t she bought her nieces two tickets back to Zoolanta? (I’m overthinking this…).
And I started to say that Josie could room with the grizzly bears, but then I couldn’t remember if you had grizzly bears. Maybe she could help with the Andean cubbies?
Mei Xiang: that is a very good question! He usually only shows up when Pinky wants something or if she’s taken his Panda Express Card
Six: I fink mommee an daddee are on vacation an dey said da train an da bus are broken so wee can’t come home.
Frank: no way you are putting Josie in with us!
Mikey: yeah! She snores!
Josie: I do not!!!!
Frank: also she has anger management issues.
I don’t know what Ping suggested but Bubba nixed that option right away! LOL And I’m pretty sure Pookie doesn’t like the idea of bunk beds in his and Bikkie’s room … Mei Xiang has nerves of steel to manage everything!
Mei Xiang: oh, don’t I just! I also have a pitcher of Bootinis all made up in my private fridge in my den!
Oh, Bob T. it is clear, very clear, that with Pookie, Josie, and Frank & Mikie da panda house, which we already saw in plans, needs… AN EXTENSION OR REFORM!! Please, please, tell Mei Xiang to call ‘Property Brothers’ they sure can do a good design (especially for Pinky).
All ’bout Pinky, all da time
Pinky has already gotten a new penthouse suite! (with an elevator.) I think Six and Sebben just need to go home. I hope they don’t figure out how to re-program Pinky’s elevator! That would be terrible!
Indictments?? Oh boy…. “all I want for Christmas is Trump in jail, Trump in jail, oh Trump in jail….” In fact, I’ll pass on an upcoming anniversary AND birthday gift too if I can actually see that fat orange-faced idiot on trial and found GUILTY of all charges.
Right? Now I am trying not to crumple into a fetal position every time someone says, “if he gets re-elected”… I can’t promise I would live through that.