I just heard a news story on the radio the other morning about grizzly bears still being on the endangered species list. This, of course, made me think about everyone’s favorite grizzly bears, Frank and Mikey! Be assured, I am working on some new ‘toons for them which will show up in a few weeks, because, as you might imagine, they have opinions about this development!
While generally speaking, we are all on team panda, rumor has it, there are OTHER bears out there too!
So to celebrate our upcoming ‘toons starring Frank and Mikey, here are some Sunday Funday ‘toons about bears!

Today, you are a bear.

Oh those polar bears! What jokers they are!

another cartoon inspired by real news!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story
Lookee! It’s Frank and Mikey!

Send in the bears!

Helloooooo bears!

I like bears.
Be the Bear, ebbryone!
Bob T Panda (smarter than your average bear!)
Absolutely hilarious!
Thank you. 🙂
I love Frank and Mikey! They are wonderful, friendly bears. And they ate Bart Kravenclaw. Good. His alter ego seems as awful on women as I thought he would be. Hang in there, RBG!
Love these toons!
And apparently he is getting ready to do damage to Roe v Wade. Damn Susan Collins. Hard to know if she really fell for his line or that she really didn’t care. I am hoping someone defeats her in 2020.
I think Frank and Mikey have signed on to be body guards to RBG.
LOVE the Kravenclaw series. Do the bears know about the Gov of Virginia?They may have an opinion of black face.
I like the idea of Frank and Mikey as the avengers of the bear world, righting wrongs, kicking butt and eating sexist Supreme court Justices (and protecting RBG while they are at it.) Meanwhile, polar bears are losing their ice and having to see what’s on the menu in town. This will not end well, I’m afraid.