In The Panda Chronicles Book 2: Wheel...of...Pandas, Bob T Panda, Mehitabel, and the panda kindergarten return with more panda fun. Join them in their quest for Panda Olympic Gold, watch the daytime drama panda soap operas, and that ever popular game show, Wheel...of...PANDAS! You'll see pandas arrive in Scotland for the first time, and watch as the panda kindergarten gets into more mischief. These panda cartoons are fun for the whole family!
Pandas are a lot like potato chips. It is very hard to have one or two without wanting a whole lot more.
In The Panda Chronicles Book 2: Wheel…of…Pandas, Bob T Panda, Mehitabel, and the panda kindergarten return with more panda fun. Join them in their quest for Panda Olympic Gold, watch the daytime drama panda soap operas, and that ever popular game show, Wheel…of…PANDAS! You’ll see pandas arrive in Scotland for the first time, and watch as the panda kindergarten gets into more mischief. These panda cartoons are fun for the whole family!
What are pandas saying about Wheel of Pandas?
“Don’t tell my mom I am reading this book” Mr. Wu; San Diego Zoo
“Just wait till I get my paws on that rascally panda kindergarten!” Bai Yun; San Diego Zoo
But don’t take their word…read Wheel of Pandas and decide for yourself!