For some reason I didn’t finish today’s ‘toon in time, but I’m on it. Maybe tomorrow?

Honestly, I thought we would not be here again. I am so sad, so angry, so scared, for me and for people I care about. I seriously thought this would not, could not happen. We thought there could not be such a bat shit crazy campaign again by Mittens, against an inspiring, energetic campaign by Kamala Harris. I am afraid for the future of this country, as well as the rest of the world. I’ll be here as long as I still have the resources to keep going.
Yours in Pandas Always
Bob T not another reign of terror Panda
I assumed that you were standing in the bathroom weeping profusely while shrieking curses at whatever malevolent deities are out there.
Like me.
Pretty much. At least today I got through my trip to the post office without breaking into sobs.
I love you Anne! Your toons keep me sane! I pray you are here and carry on with your toons for a beary long time! It’s just very sad that most of the country would rather have a narcissistic fascist as a ruler than a Black woman. America is a Racist chauvinistic country.
I’m here! I have panda fans to save, pandas to draw, new pandas to make ‘toons about. Not going anywhere (for the moment) I am sad, angry, frustrated about how people can be made to see what a bad choice they made. Well, they’ll find out, but they bring the rest of this with them on the hell ride.
Thank God for our Panda Community! 🫂❤️🙏
the people have spoken as much as we don’t like it. It’s a bro world.
I think it was closer than anyone in the new regime will admit. still, they have spoken and they are idiots who will suffer the consequences of their decision. as will we.
Ah, the people have indeed spoken, unfortunately. We are now the Divided States of America. Thank God for pandas and puppies to help us get through the next 4 years.
Yes, thanks indeed for puppies and pandas, and even cats. I still don’t have my own, but I have friend cats shared with me by their humans. Even in my little blue bubble there are MAGA idiots. A friend told me of seeing some yahoos putting up a big T***p Won banner across the highway. Would it be churlish of me to hope they fell into moving traffic or got arrested for putting up an unauthorized obstruction?