Bubba has now turned a whole year old! He is such a smart little panda, but we never knew how smart he has become until now, what with Pinky occupying everyone’s attention. But as it turns out, that Bubba is quite the junior computer whiz kid. Takes after his sister, no doubt, as she was the one who learned how to hack into the traffic control around Zoo Cublanta at a very early age. (Pinky: that evidence is entirely CIRCUMSTANTIAL! I admit to nothing!)
Bubba has a cunning plan and he is putting it into action!

When did Bubba get to be so smart!
Has anyone noticed how gray Mei Xiang’s fur is starting to turn?
More Panda News!!!!
The Wahington State Panda Foundation (Heretofore known as WASPaF) is moving forward with meetings in China and site visits by the Chinese panda procurement people in their quest (a noble and brilliant one I might add) to bring pandas to Washington state. (Our motto: bring pandas to the OTHER Washington) News stories on TV and radio and newspapers report that the potential homes for the pandas, The Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma, and the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle (WOOZPPAH!) are saying, “hey! No one asked US if we wanted pandas!”
To that I sayFie! Of COURSE you want pandas! Everyone wants pandas!!! And for those who say:
A)” the money could be better spent elsewhere”, I say, ” well of COURSE it could, but we’re talking about PANDAS here!!!!!!
B) the “I thnk all wild animals should be wild and free and not locked up in zoos” people should visit a modern zoo sometime. Do I think pandas should be in the wild? Hell yes, just as soon as you restore the millions of square miles of their habitat that no longer exisits. A green pea in a 10 gallon bucket doesn’t begin to represent the ratio of lost habitat to the present panda habitat remaining.
They are doing the best they can to keep pandas from becomming extinct and return some to the wild. But that is a topic for another day!
For now, I just say, WOOZPPAH,
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda
The anti-zoo people can just look at the Panda Cams and see that these animals aren’t suffering one bit! (Well, except when Mei takes one of Bubba’s apples.) I knew Bubba was a little smarty-pants. Unfortunately for him and Pinky, they inherited their brains from their mother…
Yes, do hold that thought about mom….??
And if all zoos were like the days of old, I might agree with the anti zoo folks, but they are not. Ironically, some of the worst ones are in China.
First of all, is anybody surprised Bubba is so smart? We all new that the day he was born! I just hope Pinky doesn’t lead him too far down the wrong path.
Second, HUZZAH! re the possibility of pandas in Washington State! It’s the perfect place to raise pandas – don’t you folks have some really, really great APPLES? Keeping my paws and feetsies crossed for you. Make sure they install a panda cam for the rest of us over here on the east coast!
Seattle is perfect for pandas on so many levels. Climate, bamboo grows like weeds here, and of course…ahem…I am here, also Punching Pandas creator Nolan Lee also lives in the area. (BTW: in his ‘toons, the pandas are doing the punching)
With all the tech money here from Microsoft and their spawn, someone is bound to tap them for a good panda cam. Keep your pseudo thumbs crossed it comes to be.
Bubba is so clever! He knows that having a “standing desk” is good for your health. Plus he looks so cute balanced on that chair 🙂 Can’t wait to see what PinkStarter rewards are on offer!!
Woo hoo! Pandas in Washington State! Keeping my paws, eye & tail crossed! To the nay-sayers…razzberries!!!
{Can Pandas at the Nation’s Oldest Zoo – Philadelphia – be far behind??? Me & Cee volunteer to transport Pandas back and forth btwn Philly & DC so they can get to know each other!}
That Bubba is just so cute & smart. No surprise he is a junior ‘puter whizz, he’s been learning from Pinky since birth.
I am ever hopeful (pandas are nothing if not optimists. Despite the political horror show going on right now-(Vote early, vote often, vote Pinky) we laugh in the face of being endangered! Ha! I bet China is waiting to make sure Mittens doesn’t win before committing to rent us any more pandas.
I sure hope Bubba doesn’t get in trouble over this!
Oh no, please tell me China doesn’t know about Mittens. Or mabbe dat’s a good ting and China won’t want any Pandas back after just seeing Mittens. Hope Bubba doesn’t get in trouble either!
I don’t think they would like Mittens if they knew about him.
Will Bubba get in trouble?,,,,hmmmm…let me see….
Does Mama know that Bubba had learned how to work a computer? Worse yet, that he is helping out Pinky in a devious plan that she purposely will hide from Mama?
Loved how General Bun was so interested with the computer 🙂
I sure hope that the other Washington will be approved to have their own pandas, that the naysayers will learn about how the U.S. zoos are so not like how they used to be decades ago.
If Mei doesn’t know already, I’m guessing she will find out.
Pseudo thumbs crossed on Washington State pandas! They can visit at my house and I’ll take them to the neighbors for bamboo!