So sad for Toronto, but happy happy for those of us living west of the Rockies! Er Shun, Da Mao, and Yip and Jip are coming our way! (I’m already formulating plans to go see them! The Canadian pandas are on the move!!! But what about Bubba? And what about their panda world honor of being the Torch Bears?
What about THAT???????

It’s a good thing that Pinky taught Bubba how to use Skype!
And what about Unka Justin? Will he be able to find them?
Panda on!
Bob T Panda
“is dis pinky’s fault?” For once the answer is No!
Such a rare occurrence!
Cold as heck out dere!
stay warm! Better yet, stay inside!
But, but … I thought Momma Mei found out about the tunnel when Bubba caved and spilled the beans that she was cubpaigning with Bert and Ernie. Did she dig a new one or what?
Mommee thought she locked it and hid the key, but Pinky had a spare key, which Bubba…um…”found” when he was “doing research” in Pinky’s room. But yes, Mommee Mei knows about the tunnel. She just never imagined Bubba would use it.
LOL Best response ever. Bubba – both sweet and resourceful.