Category Archives: 31 Days of Pandas!

And a Pinky in a Hemlock Tree!

I guess I didn’t finish the new ‘toon I promised you for today (something something, root canal, something something something, disaster of an election, something something something, downfall of democracy, yada yada yada.

But here’s something MUCH BETTER!!!!

I was going to give you all a break this year, and not re-run The Twelve Days of Crispmoss, but by popular demand (okay, one person) we return with this holiday classic!!!

Everyone sing along!

feel free to sing along.

I can’t hear anyone singing…..

I swear, I had nothing to do with Pinky’s let night sit in.

four pandas sneaking…

…and a Pinky in a Hemlock tree!

FIIIIIVE cuppycakes!


HOW many more days are there?


Oh no! Not again!

F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!


No WONDER I didn’t get any presents!

F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!


OOOOO! Pinky is a star!

F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!


Okay…we are going to skip ahead here!

On the twelfth day of Crisp-Moss, My Panda cam Did See….

MX: no, Pinky, you may NOT have a Bamboo-tini!

I can’t hear you….

F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!



Everybody sing!

Are you happy now?

Be the Bear
Bob T I’m writing my resolutions Panda

Maybe we’ll have an encore presentation of Beary Poppins later this week!

Day 31 ~ 31 days of Pandas

This is it! The last day of the year!

We thought this would be a better year than 2020…ha ha…joke’s on us! Sigh…we did get the vaccine, but thanks to certain people who were all in on “personal bodily autonomy” (for this, anyway) who yelled (often right in people’s faces) “MY FREEDUMB!!!!” we have had to cope with ever more contagious and more deadly mutations of the virus. Probably the next one will spread just by reading about it on the inter webs.

But here we are. We have (hopefully) survived (this far). We will be back in the new year with more panda satire and more pandas to introduce. Bebe Maurice’s tiny sisters Fleur and Snowy will be making their debut in these pages. We will have our annual Year in Review where we look back at the ‘toons of last year. It’s always very interesting (to me, anyway) to see what ‘toons leap out at me as the most consequential or interesting or funny.

There is another Olympics for the pandas to compete in. They kind of missed this year’s Olympics, not really remembering that it was happening at all. But this is the Winter Olympics, and those are the Olympics that pandas like best!

The New Year is the Year of the Tiger, and Pinky is ready for it! Don’t tell Mommee, okay? Pinky has an upcoming campaign to start raising money for, so fire up the selfies with tigers! Really, don’t tell Mommee about this!

And now, let’s see what New Year’s Eve has in store for us at the Panda House…

And because it is still one of my favorite New Year’s Eve ‘toons…

new years eve party, panda kindergarten
The panda kindergarten at their best…or is that worst?

Have a safe an happy new year! See you in 2022!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Day 30 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

On the penultimate day of the year, we have 3 brand new episodes of Bears of the Baskervilles!

Here we go!

Goodbye for now, but not forebber!

There’s one more day in 31 Days of Pandas! Don’t miss it!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Day 29 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Oh my! We are winding our way down to the end of the year, so let’s get right back to…

The Bears of the Baskervilles!

If you missed Monday and Tuesday’s recaps, just scroll back through the ‘toons, so you’ll be all caught up!

Bikkie is ready for his close up!!!

I just knew they were going to show up!


Tomorrow we have 3 BRAND NEW EPISODES IN ONE DAY!!! Can you stand the excitement?

Hard to believe we are almost all the way through 31 Days of Pandas! As we look back on 2021 (must we?) and get ready for 2022 (must we really?) I want to share my gratitude, for all of you who read these ‘toons and have embraced panda satire! (especially when we’d much rather embrace a baby panda!)

Tomorrow we bring our tale of Bears of the Baskervilles to a close as we get ready to launch into the new year.

Till then,
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Day 28 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

The Bears of the Baskervilles continues!

‘Toon in again tomorrow for even more from The Bears of the Baskervilles! Not to mention Bikkie’s big solo!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Day 27 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

We now return to The Bears of the Baskervilles!

We’re gonna start at the beginning (’cause who can remember what happened before now? Not me!) So…to begin at the beginning…

Will this be a mystery…or?
Who IS this mysterious figure???

Well, that was very exciting! I forgot how this story started! ‘Toon in tomorrow for the next exciting episodes of…The Bears…of the Baskervilles!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Chrispmoss at the Panda House!

This ‘toon always deserves a second look!

You better watch out….
31 days
Who didn’t have a sibling like Pinky?

Sigh…remember when we thought that once Mittens lost, we would be rid of him? This ‘toon was written before the attempted overthrow of the government on January 6th.

It’s time to call it a day, Mittens!

I hope everyone had at least some joy over the recent holidays. It’s been a really hard year for most of us, and very terrible bad year for others. While some of us had the privilege to hide out from the day to day perils and anxieties, others were out on the front line, doing the work that needs to be done.

Many people are saying that The Panda Chronicles helps them get through the insanity that surrounds us, and I am so happy that I can do something useful from my fortress of solitude! I hope that I can keep writing and drawing about my favorite pandas far into the future! Thanks to all of you who cheer me on and find my panda ‘toons funny. Who would have guessed?

Tomorrow we return to The Bears of the Baskervilles. It’s been long enough since the last episode appeared here, that I thought it would be a good idea to start from the beginning. For the next 4 days, I’ll recap the earlier ‘toons, ending with the exciting ending/new ‘toons from the story. Huzzah!!!!

Snow and cold temperatures arrived here last night, so since I am stuck on my snowy hill, I guess I’ll get some work done!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Day 25 ~ 31 Days of Pandas


On the twelfth day of Crisp-Moss, My Panda cam Did See….
MX: no, Pinky, you may NOT have a Bamboo-tini!
I can’t hear you….
F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!
Everybody sing!

Well, here we are, heading into the final days of the year. We have passed the solstice and the sunlight will be creeping back, a few seconds longer each day. It has been my privilege and joy to share these ‘toons with you. I kind of hoped we would be out of the pandemic days (not to mention the political nightmare we still can’t wake from) but here we are.

I hope these panda ‘toons have helped you get through whatever form your year has taken, and I plan to continue writing and drawing these ‘toons and sharing them with you.

Stay strong, stay safe, be kind, and don’t take any crap from the forces of darkness!

I hope you are able to safely gather with the people (and bears) you care about the most this holiday season, whatever you do or don’t celebrate! Save me some pie!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda!

Day 24 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

It’s Crispmoss Eve! Do you have your cookies ready for Santa Paws?

OOOOO! Pinky is a star!
F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!

Yes!!!! Tomorrow is the GRAND FINALE! KEEP SINGING!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda!

I had a little inspiration on Twidder the other evening, and thought I’d share it with you hear, especially for you non- angry bird people!

‘Twas the night before Crispmoss
and all through the den,
the pandas were snoring 
again and again

The pandas were sleeping
all snug in their beds
while visions of cuppycakes
danced in their heads

when out in the passage
there came such a clatter
did Redd just show up?
with his antics and chatter?

So Larry arose 
and went out in the hall
He was very brave 
though he is very small.

For Larry, the mouse,
He had a large task
he advises the panda kids
If they would ask!

Of course there was Pinky
who knew everything,
all that she asked, what
would Santa bring?

“Clap louder! Clap louder”
she said in a huff!
“Whatever he brings,
well, it won’t be enough!”

“I made up my list-
there’s volume 1 here”
Larry just stared,
Bubba wiggled his ears.

“yoo can’t boss around Santa”
her brother said sweetly.
“hah!” said the princess
“there’s no one to keep me!”

Then Ping in his dog suit
and Mikey and Frank
ran into a wall
in a little toy tank.

“you’re going to wake mommee!”
Said Pinky, aghast.
“now clean up dis mess,
and do it real fast!”

The bears all looked sheepish,
this was such a fuss.
Then Mikey and Frank said,
“That wasn’t us.”

“What is that racket?”
Mommee said with a yell,
“You all will be grounded
if no one will tell”

“Who wrecked the tank
right into the wall?”
The small pandas scattered
and ran down the hall

“It sure wasn’t us!”
As they ran out of sight
Merry Crispmoss to all
and to all nighty night!

Merry Crispmoss!

Day 23 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

The 12 (GASP) Days of Crispmoss continues some more!

Oh no! Not again!
F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!
No WONDER I didn’t get any presents!
F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!

Are you still singing?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda