You knew it had to happen sooner or later: Pinky would declare herself above the law! It was bad enough that Mittens did it, now Pinky is getting her inner criminal on!
So what if pandas are endangered! Does that mean they are above the law?

Obeying Pinky is not in the Consditooshun!
Be the bear and Buy Stuff with Pandas!
Bob T Panda
My annual note about Panda Commerce:
I started writing these ‘toons in early 2008, after reading an article in the Atlantic Magazine about the Panda ranches in China. I did not know where this compulsion to draw pandas was going to take me, I just knew I had to draw them. And so I drew, and eventually I started this website.
Because one of the reasons I started drawing panda ‘toons was because I was depressed because the economy had crashed and no one was buying art, it was important to me that this panda portal would be forever free to anyone who wanted to read my ‘toons. If they could help me, well, maybe they would cheer up other people who needed to be cheered and might not have the resources to subscribe to something as silly as panda satire.
So here we are, 11 years later! I still keep this blog and the archives available and free to to all. I do, however, spend time and resources drawing these toons and keeping them here for you. And so, I have run several Kickstarter campaigns, I now have a page on Redbubble where you can buy things with pandas on them, and my first non-Kickstarter Sock project was a big success. Buying things with my pandas on them, through me, Kickstarter, or Redbubble helps to support my work with Panda Satire.
My ‘toon collections, which are all available on Amazon, also help to keep me in ink and paper. I hope eventually to get my graphic novels published through traditional publishing, but that is kind of the long game. For those who really want something special, I do sell my original ‘toons, once they have been published in a book.
For those that have the means and inclination to buy things with pandas, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. For those who don’t, I hope you’ll keep coming back to read the new ‘toons, comment on the goings on of Pinky, the Meihems, Bubba, and all the rest of the pandas. Art is not art until it has been seen and appreciated. Everyone of you are welcome here. It wouldn’t be nearly so much fun without you!
Panda on! It’s time for 31 Days of Pandas!!!!