Well, I was going to wait until tomorrow to share this ‘toon’s tune with you, but Mr. Badger pointed out that Christmas Eve is the time more associated with singing Christmas carols, so, in order to encourage you to add this parody of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen to your repertoire, I share it here, both in the ‘toon (which is abbreviated both by space and by the fact that the 4th verse came to me after I’d already drawn the ‘toon) and in the unabridged text so you can print out the words and share it with your caroling friends!
Huzzah! Strike up the band and sing along…
Oh curse ye vile trumpy men,
You’re causing me dismay,
The world went dark, I lost all hope
On last election day.
What you don’t like you call fake news, the truth has gone astray,
Oh tidings of treason and greed
Treason and greed,
Oh, tidings of treason and greed.
Oh curse ye vile trumpy men,
The western world’s appalled.
While you distract the Congress acts
to impoverish us all.
You sold us out for Putin’s power
and you come when he calls…
Oh tidings of treason and greed,
Treason and greed,
Oh, tidings of treason and greed.
Oh curse ye vile trumpy men,
Your reign is going to fail.
In time your crimes will all come out
No matter how you flail
Bob Mueller’s going to find the truth
and you will go to jail…
Oh tidings of treason and greed,
Treason and greed,
Oh, tidings of treason and greed.
Oh curse ye vile trumpy men
Your heartlessness astounds.
When taking healthcare from the poor
Your joy it knows no bounds,
and white supremacists and nazis are the friends you found…
Oh tidings of treason and greed,
Treason and greed,
Oh, tidings of treason and greed.
You’re welcome.
And now, sing along with the panda kindergarten!

Oh tidings of treason and greed. (To the tune of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)
Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of 101 Bebe Panda-Nations!
Be the bear
Bob T Panda