We’re not even halfway through the month, so there are many more pandas to come!
This is a good thing, because we need LOTS of distractions this month. Between the disaster tax bill (email or call your Congress folks and ask them to vote NO!!!) the slide into the darkest days of the year, and all the craziness in the news, we need all the laughs we can get.
On top of all the nonsense coming out of our nations capitol, recent news of the illness of one of my long time panda fans and supporters has been on my mind. ALS is a devastating disease for which there is no cure. If it seems strange to be concerned about someone I’ve never met in real life, consider this: the people who read my ‘toons here and in books, and who frequently comment here or in conversations on Twidder and Fezbook, have become real to me. They have become real friends.
I’ve gotten to know them through our conversations in these cyber meeting places. They share pictures and stories of their lives. They cheer me on in my various Kickstarter projects. They have embraced these funny panda characters that have sprung forth from my head and they believe in them. They believe in me. I am so very honored and grateful that you come here and tell me that the day’s ‘toon lifted your spirits, or made you sad, or pushed you to the edge of your seat in anticipation of the next episode.
So, Sandy H, if you are reading today’s post, please know that I have been grateful for the time you’ve been with me. I’m glad you have your family and puppies close at hand to see you through this. You will be missed.
Meanwhile, Let’s Get Some Pandas Out Here…

episode 14

episode 15

…and it all ends with Mr Wu’s Birthday party! Huzzah!
Tune in tomorrow for the next installment of 101 Bebe Panda-Nations! Huzzah!
Bee, the Bear!
Bob T Panda