Wow! 31 Days of Pandas is on the downhill slide once again! I hope it’s been as much fun for yours it was for me to revisit these classics of panda satire! January will feel almost like a vacation since I won’t have to post every day!
Where we’re at….
I’ll be back on my schedule of new ‘toons every Tuesday and Thursday, and a selection of favorite ‘toons from the archives on Sundays. In January, our encore presentations will focus on the year in review, as I look back to see what was going on each month of the year.
You might have noticed that I didn’t not get around to putting out a new book in January of 2019, and before I knew it, it was December! How the heck did THAT happen? Well, I guess we were all a bit distracted by the fall of Democracy and the various crimes in plain sight by HWMNBN. It was suggested to me, that I look at the ‘toons from 2018 & 2019, and do a compilation on ‘toons about politics! I think that could be very instructive!
I am in the midst of my usual year end practice of looking where I’ve been, and figuring out where I’m going. The political mess has led me to spend too much time raging on Twitter and seeing if You Know Who has had a stroke or committed any overt acts of violence in public. It’s a dilemma: I want to hang out with you all, but I also need to get paintings, pandas (and of course needle felted pandas!!!!) done. So, no more mornings on the internet. Hanging out with you all will be my reward at the end of the day after I’ve actually gotten something done!
Meanwhile, let’s see what Pinky and Bubba are up to. Isn’t it time for Pinky to get her list of resolutions for the new year from mommee?

You would think Pinky would already have improved her behavior by now…
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda