Category Archives: A to Z challenge

“F” is for Forgetful

Finally a letter that is a feature of my life at the moment. As a fastidious furry friend once said, “I am smarter than the average bear” right before he stepped in front of a fast Ferrari and found his finale.

Fortunately, our fine fuzzy fictional princess is with fantastic and fabulous friends. They shall fly over the freeways at speeds not for the faint-hearted.  Meanwhile over at the A to Z, we find frenetic formulating of this fanciful format, as we fantasize about frosting. For Real.  My A to Z pick of the day is the Artsy Gourmet, who you can fine here!

Fast furry friends...for now

Fast furry friends…for now

This cartoon is based on the real life antics of the fickle fuzzy fractious panda princess as she explores the art of tree climbing.

Bob T. Panda

EEEEExuberant pandas!

Yes, it is day five of the most excellent A to Z challenge.

Enquiring minds explore excellent edifices and endeavor to educate enthusiasts. Ever exciting events are in Evidence.

EEEEEEEEEE! It’s the panda kindergarten! We shall endure. And as we had earlier engaged to exhibit the essence of the cast of the Panda Chronicles….

Our enfant` egomaniac, that paragon of perfection, Princess Pinky, currently the youngest panda on The Panda Chronicle stage.

deleted footage from press conference

Pinky answers difficult questions from the press in her own way.

The engaging Bee (the bear):


Mehitabel would like to register her protest about given the least sympathetic role in this adventure.

Of course we must not forget those energetic panda scout entrepreneurs, Bert and Ernie:

zoo atlanta, bao bao, national zoo

Time to call in …Inspector panda!

Which gives entree to that enigma to evildoers, Inspector Panda!

THIS is a case for Inspector Panda!

THIS is a case for Inspector Panda!

Ending with our enchante` enchantress, the engaging Babette de Panda!

wheel of pandas 1

Entertainer extraordinaire!

And now, for our escape:

Escape!  Come with me, little cake, so we can be alone together.

Escape! Come with me, little cake, so we can be alone together.

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda



It is De Day of Dramatis Bearsonae

What with all the delightful day-trippers descending on The Panda Chronicles to visit during the A to Z Debacle (okay, it’s not really a debacle, but I needed a word that started with “D” – tomorrow it will be an extravaganza) I thought it a good idea to acquaint you with some of the major players here, the Dramatis Bearsonae, so to speak:

But first, a word from our sponsor: Today’s post is brought to you by the letter “D”

Our Dominant Doyenne of Discipline (or the lack there-of): Mehitabel the cat! (Huzzah!)

The panda kindergarten is "busy" ...can you call back later?

The panda kindergarten is “busy” …can you call back later?

Next up, the Dynamic Director of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, Put your paws together for Bob….T…..PANDA!!!!!!

Song of the pandateers.

And of course, The Panda Chronicles wouldn’t be what it is today, if not for that Delegation of Devious Delinquents, THE PANDA KINDERGARTEN!!!!!!!

...if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da-  AAARGH!  I can't stop!!!!!

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

And everyone’s MOST favorite Descendant of the San Diego Dynasty, let’s give a big howdy-doo to MR WU!!!!!!!!!!

Yo ho ho and a bottle  of BooBeer!

Mr Wu in his first dramatic role

And just because I like this cartoon soooooooo much,

Today, you are a bear.

Today, you are a bear.

My A to Z pick of the day is Rebekah Loper. Huzzah! Join me tomorrow as I continue to challenge myself to find words through the alphabet that relate to pandas!

Meanwhile, back at the Pandamorphosis ranch, things are moving ahead with publication to come later this month!  stay tuned!

And tomorrow we continue with our cast of characters list with The Cublanta Twins, Princess Pinky, Babette de Panda, Bee (the bear) and Inspector Panda

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda



I think Cake cures all cares and catastrophes. Clearly, a common misconception, is that cake is a curse. Of course, this is mere carping by crotchety curmudgeons. Cake cures all complications and crises,  Let them eat cake is cause for celebration, not condemnation! Especially if there is chocolate cream frosting.

Today is brought to you by the letter “C” which coincidentally, is the first letter of Cordelia Calls it Quits and Cordelia’s Mom, Still, where the panda kindergarten will be making visits later this month! Hide the silver and the cuppycakes before we get there, okay?

One panda's disaster is another panda's delight!

One panda’s catastrophe is another panda’s celebration!

Apologies that there was not a new midweek cartoon this week.  Pandamorphosis launch duties have kept me occupied for far too many hours, but the end is in sight, and there should be a new cartoon on Sunday. Rumor has it that Princess Pinky and the Cublanta twins have a plan to join forces, at least temporarily.  Can you say, ROAD TRIP!!!!!???

And here is one of my favorite drawings from the soon to be released Pandamorphosis….

pandamorphosis illustration

Don’t you just hate it when your refrigerator is infested by…pandas?

Thank you again A to Zers!  Listing my pick of the day here.

Be the bear!
Bob T. Panda


Bee (the Bear) believes in…

…becoming a barnstormer, being the bear (oh, that was too easy) in a bucolic backdrop. Is this a case of bears behaving badly or a bitty beastie who believes she’s a bee, rather than a bear, as she builds a bastille of books, so she can become one with….(tune in tomorrow)???????

Meanwhile, today has been brought yo you by the letter “B(ee)”



And lest the Princess Pinky Bao Bao be offended that she was biffed out of her weekly spot by Bee (the Bear), here is one of her favorite cartoons, especially for you folks who are visiting The Panda Chronicles for the first time:

Bao bao changes panda cub gender

Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.

And speaking of the letter “B”, how could I forget Babette de Panda?

All My Pandas......

All My Pandas……

Oh, the A to Z challenge is so much fun! One of the bloggers I read regularly, The Art of Not Getting Published, is also participating.  You can check out her posts here. I’m going to  highlight another of my compatriots (or three) in the A to Z each day, so do check them out, because they are panda-approved.

Till tomorrow,
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda


Welcome to the first day of the A to Z challenge, where audacious avatars attempt to astound all our altruistic audience, ASAP. Alliterative alliances abound, aching to astonish, as all abide.

Today is brought to you by the letter “A”



If you want to check out more of the MANY A to Z challenge participants, you can find them here. I can’t wait to check out some of  the other alphabetarians.

Thanks for being the bear!
Bob T. Panda